chapter 2

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Y/n pov

"class there will but a new student her name is"-

holy shit she's hot, I say in my head. she's hot I hope she sits next to me.

fuck what was her name wherever I find out later.

"you will sit there"

yes yes fuck yes she siting next to me.

Billie pov

FUCKING KILL ME. The new girl is of course sitting next to my y/n. I can see her blushing from here. I swear to god if y/n likes her I'm going to have to take her away for good.

I need to look at the positives. Y/n is fucking beautiful, I cant keep my eyes off of her.
I wish she would notice me.

Y/n pov

I can't help but blush when I see that the new girl is sitting next to me. she so fucking hot ugh I just fuck me.
she sits down to my left side.
She smells so good.

"hey", I say trying to break the silence. "Oh hi", she says in a raspy voice.

not going to lie that turned me on.

"um sorry I totally forgot your name."
"oh no worries my name is Lauren."
" well it's a pleasure to meet you Lauren." I said putting out my hand.
"Nice to meet you too-"
"oh my name is y/n"
"oh wow that's a hot fucking name y/n"
What did she just say

Her hands were so nice. Fuck y/n I need to control myself.

Billie pov

when I saw y/n shake the new girls hand pissed me off. I know you're probably saying why are you so fucking protective, Because I already know that she's not good enough for her from the way she dresses. Look I love y/n, that's why I'm doing all these things I want to see her happy.

I didn't even realize how hard I was staring at her until I got a text on my phone from y/n.

Hey what up, why you staring so hard?

oh lmao just zoned out

Damn your meds aren't working then.

Yeah fucking sucks

Anyways have you seen the new girl

Yeah what about her


when I saw that text message I wanted to die right there.

She's ok I guess

Wym ig

Just not my type

Hots not your type please Billie

bruh wymmmmm

I've seen you with hotter girls

Sure but they're not you

Lmao what's that supposed to mean

figure it out yourself :)

To be continued

sorry this was short

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