Chapter 1

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Northern Hollywood, 1996

Pat Dugan was currently racing through the streets of Los Angeles, racing towards the location that he'd been informed was currently where the Justice Society was currently battling it out with their greatest enemies, the Injustice Society of America.

"Starman, hang in there, I'm on my way." Pat said over the comms as he heard explosions from the battle through the comms.

"No Pat, do not come here, you're not a member of the JSA, you're just my sidekick and if you come here you'll be out of that job." Starman said on the comms as it cut out, though Pat was not deterred as he continued to drive until he reached an isolated mansion that he could easily tell was where the battle was going on due to all the explosions. In fact, right as he came to a stop, the explosion flung one of the JSA's members out of the house and onto the ground right in front of him.

"Wildcat." Pat said as he kneeled down over the fallen hero.

"You need to get out of here Stripesy." Wildcat said before he died and Pat just headed inside to find the entire house in chaos, members of the JSA dead everywhere. The Flash, Green Lantern, Johnny Thunder and so many more. The only ones left standing were Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Dr. Mid-nite and Hourman. Pat panicked when he didn't see any sign of Starman anywhere, but it looked like the rest of the JSA was taking a beating. Dr. Midnite was taken out by the Shade literally swallowing him whole, Hawkman and Hawkgirl both vanished into thin air from waves of the Wizard's wand and Hourman had been knocked off a banister by Tigress.

"Well, well, look who came out to play. The sidekick." Tigress as she, Wizard and Sportsmaster advanced on him, only to be blasted back by a glowing beam of light and Pat turned to see Starman standing there, holding the powerful cosmic staff in his hand and he looked bruised, exhausted and annoyed.

"I told you not to come here Stripesy." Starman said as he found himself lifted up by Brainwave.

"Hello Starman. Time to join your friends." Brainwave said.

"Not today." Starman said as he blasted the villain back with his staff as he dropped to the ground.

"Come on, we need to get out of here." Pat said.

"We can't leave." Starman said, only to stumble back as he felt something puncture his gut and looked down to see a shard of ice in his stomach.

"Icicle." Starman said as he fell back and Pat turned to see the frosty leader of the ISA standing there.

"We need to get out of here." Pat said as he managed to drag Starman out of the house and into the car and drove off, activating his car's flight mode, right as Icicle dispatched the ISA's heavy hitter, Solomon Grundy to pursue and the giant zombie did manage to knock out the car's stabilizers, sending it whirling off course and crashing, leaving the ISA to assume that Starman and Stripesy had perished along with the rest of the JSA.

"Well, this was a fun night." Sportsmaster said and his wife nodded in agreement while the others rolled their eyes at them.

Once Pat was sure the coast was clear, he managed to get himself out of the ruins of his car and managed to pull Starman out of the wreck as well, though he noticed that throughout the whole, his boss had not let go of his weapon.

"Come on, we need to get you to a hospital." Pat tried to insist, surprised when Sylvester struggled against him.

"No Pat. It's too late for me." Sylvester said.

"No." Pat said.

"Pat, you need to listen to me carefully. It might be too late for me, but not for the JSA. It must live on. It's legacy must endure. Someone with honor must carry the torch." Sylvester said and Pat was touched.

"I'll try my best." Pat said.

"Oh no, not you. Someone with grace and heroism. Again, not you. But there is someone out there. Someone who isn't you. And that someone will carry on what the JSA started and get justice for us all. But once again, that person is not you." Sylvester said and Pat couldn't help but chuckle, since even while he was dying Sylvester was trying to show his sense of humor.

"Pat, you were a good friend and an even better sidekick. Promise me that when my staff finds a worthy hero, that you will help them like you did me." Sylvester said.

"I promise." Pat said and Sylvester nodded as he shuddered before finally passing away, the glow of the cosmic staff dying with him.

Pat just sat there and cried, mourning the loss of all his friends and mourning the world's loss of the JSA. However, what he didn't know was that in a hospital on the other side of town, at the same time as Starman died, his successor and the leader of a new generation of heroes was being born. The JSA would be reborn. He just didn't know it yet.

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