Chapter 3

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This chapter will contain slight spoilers for the future of this story. You'll know how when you see it.

That night Courtney was tossing and turning in her bed as she had the same dream she'd been having for several nights in a row and it had first started after her mom had started dating Pat. Well actually, it was several dreams, but they were all of things she didn't understand and what more, she actually remembered them when she woke up, something that from her research, wasn't very likely and neither was having the same dreams on loop constantly. All of her dreams were about these strange people she'd never seen before fighting each other, the dream full of explosions and different sounds. However, there was always one man in them who stood out to her. He was dressed in red, white and blue and he was holding some kind of cool staff.

"What is going on?" Courtney asked and for the first time, the man with the staff actually turned to face her.

"It's your turn now Courtney. Find the staff, carry on our legacy." the man said.

"What are you talking about?" Courtney asked, since honestly, this felt like more than just a dream now.

"You'll know when the time comes." the man said as he faded away and the dream shifted and now Courtney found herself wearing a similar costume to the one that guy was wearing and holding the same staff as he had and she was surrounded by other people. A girl about her age wearing black cat bodysuit, a boy who looked maybe a year older than her wearing a green suit with a yellow hood and cape, another girl who was wearing a red and brown suit and weird looking goggles, a guy with a red beard holding a sword, two people, a man and a woman, wearing brown hawk themed outfits with wings and directly behind her was a giant robot.

"What is going on here?" Courtney asked, since she had no idea what was going on, but honestly, she was pretty sure she wasn't just dreaming this anymore. It felt as if someone or something was showing her whatever this was for a reason. She just didn't know what.

"We need you to lead us Stargirl." the girl in the catsuit said before the dream ended and Courtney was suddenly jarred awake.

"What the hell was that?" Courtney asked as she tried to wrap her head around whatever it was she'd just dreamed and also hesitant to go back to sleep, since she didn't know what she'd see. Of if she'd like what she saw. Fortunately, she noticed that the sun was shining and her alarm went off shortly after she'd woken up, indicating that she'd managed to sleep through the night, however poor her sleep had been.

"Okay, time to get back to reality." Courtney said as she got out of bed and tried to shake off the craziness of those dreams. Little did she realize that those dreams would soon become her reality. Whether she wanted them too or not.

"Hey Court, how'd you sleep last night?" Barbara asked her daughter when she came downstairs for breakfast.

"Not that well." Courtney admitted as she sat down.

"Dreams again?" Barbara asked her, since she knew that Courtney had been having weird dreams, not that she knew what they were about.

"Yeah. They're coming more frequently now." Courtney said.

"Maybe we should look into getting a therapist once we get settled in. I was really hoping that once we moved here you might have an easier time sleeping." Barbara said.

"Yeah, you and me both." Courtney said as she tried to stifle a yawn.

"Do you want to try and get some more sleep and go into school a little late today?" Barb asked.

"No, but any chance I can get some coffee like we did back in California." Courtney said and Barbara chuckled as she poured Courtney a cup.

"You are becoming dependent on coffee far sooner than any woman should in life. I was hoping that you wouldn't need it till you started working." Barbara said.

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