Chapter 23

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Okay so episode 9 of Stargirl season 2 was definitely an interesting one. Pat definitely did not think about keeping that secret through all the way. Also, online sources confirm that the Jay Garrick shown in the episode in Stargirl is the same one who appears in the Flash, which just leads to more questions, but is still exciting. I hope that they explain it at some point during the Flash or maybe even Stargirl.

"Hey, are you okay?" Courtney asked Yolanda as they sat on the porch swing outside their house. Well technically Courtney's parents' house.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Yolanda said as Courtney wrapped her arm around her.

"We said no more secrets between us." Courtney reminded her as she felt Yolanda snuggle into her.

"I know, it's nothing." Yolanda said.

"It's clearly something it's bothering you." Courtney said and Yolanda could tell that she wasn't going to drop this.

"It's stupid." Yolanda said.

"You're worried about how people are going to react at school tomorrow when they find out about us." Courtney guessed and Yolanda looked at her shocked.

"How did you know that?" Yolanda asked.

"That staff gave me the power to read minds." Courtney said seriously.

"Really?" Yolanda asked and Courtney laughed.

"No, not really, but it's an obvious guess." Courtney said.

"Not funny." Yolanda said, though she was smiling.

"I beg to differ. Besides, it worked, got you to smile. And I've been the same thing." Courtney said.

"You don't look like it." Yolanda said to her girlfriend.

"That's because I can tell that you're worried enough for both of us. You don't need to see me worrying about it too." Courtney said.

"Court, I appreciate that, but whatever this is between us, I want it to be an equal partnership, not you feeling like you have to be strong all the time for me." Yolanda said.

"I know, and it will be, but I know how much the school hurt you after you first came out and now with us being together." Courtney said.

"I wish I didn't feel this way. I wish that knowing that we have people behind us helped, but it doesn't." Yolanda said.

"And I bet that little run in with your mom last Friday night didn't help." Courtney said.

"It didn't." Yolanda confirmed as she felt Courtney rub her arm down her back and it calmed her immensely.

"We don't have to tell people about us right away. Rick and Beth and my family were one thing, but we don't have to be out at school if you're not ready for that." Courtney said.

"No, I want to be out at school, it's you I'm worried about." Yolanda said.

"What are you talking about? I'll be fine." Courtney said.

"Courtney, you haven't seen the way a majority of Blue Valley High treats people like us. I have, I lived it for months by myself before you came here. And I don't want you to go through that." Yolanda said.

"And I won't." Courtney said.

"How are you so sure?" Yolanda said.

"You said it yourself, you went through that yourself. I won't be. I'll have you, plus Rick and Beth with me the whole time, plus my family." Courtney reminded her.

"Wish I had that when I came out. It would've made being rejected by my parents a bit easier." Yolanda said as Courtney cupped her cheek.

"You have us now and I promise you Yolanda, you'll never be alone again. Just promise me you'll keep your claws to yourself." Courtney said.

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