Chapter 14

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"So, what do you think?" Courtney asked Yolanda later that night in her bedroom, since she was trying on her new superhero costume and she wanted Yolanda to be the first one to see her in it.

"I think that it shows off a bit of skin, but it's very hot." Yolanda said at the sight of Courtney wearing that red, white and blue outfit.

"Honestly, I feel a bit like Captain America without the unbreakable shield." Courtney admitted.

"But you got a magic staff instead. I think that's better, since the staff comes back on it's own." Yolanda said.

"I know and trust me, I love the suit, it's just going to take a little getting used too and I can't believe my dad made me a suit that showed off so much skin." Courtney said.

"I got no complaints about it." Yolanda said.

"Yolanda, you're staring at me." Courtney said, though she didn't exactly have a problem with it.

"Sorry Court, it's just, you in that outfit, well, you look really, really hot in it." Yolanda said.

"Really." Courtney said, a bit smugly.

"Yeah, you do. And I am very jealous, since not only do you have a costume and I don't, but yours already looks so good on you." Yolanda said.

"Well, if you want, when I go back to the JSA base to get the hourglass, I could snag Wildcat's suit for you, see if we can modify it for you." Courtney said.

"That would be great. But Court, you're still missing something. You've got the staff and the costume, but you still need a name, since you can't go by Starman since you're a girl." Yolanda said.

"True. How about Stargirl?" Courtney said.

"Not very original." Yolanda admitted.

"It's the closest I can get to Starman and Starwoman makes me feel old." Courtney said.

"I never said I had a problem with it. After all, I'm taking over the same name as the guy who wore the suit I'm going to be wearing." Yolanda said and Courtney nodded.

"I should probably change out of this before Mike sees me in it." Courtney said and Yolanda nodded in agreement as she stepped out of Courtney's room to her change.

When Courtney told her that she could come back in, Yolanda found that she'd changed into an old t-shirt and some booty shorts.

"Nice look." Yolanda said and Courtney shrugged.

"The costume was nice, but for work emergencies only." Courtney said.

"I'm sure that we'll find some exceptions for that." Yolanda said.

"Meaning what?" Courtney asked and Yolanda decided that after seeing Courtney in that outfit and knowing that she would be distracted otherwise if she didn't get this off her chest, she decided to go for it and finally come clean to her about how she felt and hoped that it wouldn't all blow up in her face.

"Look Courtney, I thought I could handle keeping this secret, but I can't. Not anymore." Yolanda said.

"What secret?" Courtney asked.

"I like you Courtney." Yolanda blurted out before she could lose her nerve.

"Yeah, I like you too, we're friends." Courtney said, confused.

"No, not just as friends. I mean, I like you as in I like girls." Yolanda said and now Courtney got it and she was stunned.

"Wow." Courtney said.

"I know, I'm stupid and I understand if I freaked you out and you want me to get out of your house, I'll see if Beth will let me stay with her or something." Yolanda said.

"No Yolanda, I'm glad that you told me. If we're going to do this, we can't keep secrets from each other, especially like that and honestly, it does explain the way you've been looking at me." Courtney said.

"So, you're not freaked out." Yolanda asked.

"No, I was just caught off guard." Courtney said.

"So, where do we go from here?" Yolanda asked.

"I think that I don't know how I want to respond to what you said, so could you give me some time to figure it out." Courtney said.

"Of course. Honestly, the fact that you're not shouting at me to get out is a relief." Yolanda said as she moved to leave Courtney alone as she sat down on her bed to think about what Yolanda had told her.

"Hey, not used to seeing you up this early on a Saturday." Barbara said to Courtney when she came downstairs the following morning to find her sitting at the counter.

"I didn't get much sleep last night." Courtney admitted.

"I know I'm still in the doghouse for keeping the truth about your dad from you, but you can still talk to me if you need to." Barbara said.

"Honestly, I could use some mom advice, though you're still in the doghouse for a while." Courtney said.

"So, what's up? Nightmares again?" Barbara asked.

"No. Just got a lot on my mind." Courtney said.

"Really, like what?" Barbara asked and Courtney sighed.

"Last night, Yolanda told me she liked me. Like, she like liked me." Courtney said and was surprised when her mother smiled.

"What?" Courtney asked.

"Nothing, I'm just surprised that she did it this soon." Barbara said.

"Wait, you knew?" Courtney asked and Barbara smiled.

"Courtney, she wasn't exactly subtle about it. I'm honestly surprised you didn't realize it." Barbara said.

"I guess I just didn't know what to look for." Courtney said.

"Or you tried to avoid looking for it on purpose." Barbara said.

"What do you mean?" Courtney asked.

"Courtney, do you think I haven't seen the looks you give Yolanda when you think no one else is watching? The way she makes you smile and laugh, it's like no one else I've ever seen." Barbara said.

"Wait, you think that I like her too?" Courtney asked, shocked, but not angry by her mother's assumption.

"Well, do you?" Barbara asked.

"Of course I do, she's my friend. She's nice and smart and tough and beautiful." Courtney said as she realized what she'd just said.

"Sounds like she checks all your boxes." Barbara said.

"Don't you think that if I liked her or girls in general in that way, that I'd know it first?" Courtney asked.

"Not always. I'm sure there have been plenty of cases where the parents figured it out first. But Courtney, you still haven't really answered my question. In fact, it sounds like you're trying to avoid answering it. To please, take a deep breath and then don't think before you answer this question, just say it." Barbara said and her daughter nodded.

"Courtney, do you like Yolanda as more than just a friend?" Barbara asked.

"Yes." Courtney said on instinct as she realized it.

"I like Yolanda. I'm so confused." Courtney said as a bunch of new emotions rolled over her.

"I know sweetie, I know. But I think you should tell Yolanda, not so that you can start going out on dates with her yet, but because I think that she can help you figure things out in your head first." Barbara said and Courtney nodded.

"I'll go talk to her now." Courtney said, deciding she should talk to Yolanda now before she lost her nerve, especially since she knew she'd need help from someone who'd been through this before to help her through what she was going through now.

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