Chapter 8

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Yolanda was not at all surprised when she arrived home to find her parents waiting for her.

"Where have you been?" her mother asked.

"Out with friends." Yolanda said as she attempted to move past her mom, only to be blocked by her father.

"You forget that you're grounded." her father said.

"Yeah, even though I did nothing wrong." Yolanda said, since honestly, she was done acting like she was okay with being punished when she did nothing wrong.

"You call what you've been doing nothing wrong? You've brought shame to our entire family." her mom said and finally, Yolanda had enough of this. The short time she'd spent with Courtney and Beth, but especially Courtney, had helped her find the courage she needed to finally stand up to her parents.

"Will you give it a rest already. I get it, you're ashamed of me, but you don't seem to understand that I didn't ask to be this way. If I had it my way, I'd be the good little catholic girl you wanted me to be, but I'm not. I am who I am and I'm done apologizing for it, especially since I shouldn't have too. You're my parents. It's your job to make me feel loved and cared for and I have to say that you have failed on that epically." Yolanda said.

"Watch your mouth Yolanda." her father said.

"Or what? What can you possibly do to me that you haven't done already that isn't illegal. Since if you kick me out for my sexuality, the police will be able to have you arrested. But honestly, you've already grounded me, isolated me, did everything you could to make me feel unwelcome in my own home." Yolanda reminded them.

"So you're saying that you don't feel welcome here anymore?" her mom asked.

"Why would I? The only person in this house who doesn't try to avoid me like the plague is Alex and even he is too scared to stand up for me and until today, I was too scared to stand up for myself. But you know what, today I spent time with my real friends and they made me remember what it was like to be loved. They helped me find my courage and the strength I needed to finally stand up to you. I'm sorry if you can't accept me the way I am, but that's your problem and I'm done letting you take it out on me." Yolanda said as she headed upstairs.

"Where do you think you're going?" her mom asked.

"Upstairs to pack my things. My friend Courtney's mom offered to let me stay with them at least for tonight and I'm going to see if that offer is still good." Yolanda said as she pulled out her phone to call Courtney.

When Yolanda got upstairs, she found her cousin Alex waiting for her.

"How much of that did you hear?" Yolanda asked.

"Enough to know that every word you said was true. But you're really planning on leaving?" Alex asked and Yolanda nodded.

"I can't take it here anymore Alex and I shouldn't have to. Mom and dad treat me like I'm a prisoner here for something I have no control over. You know how the Whitmore-Dugans made me tonight while I was having dinner at their house. Loved. For the first time since I was outed, I felt loved. Like there were people who actually wanted me around. And that's a way I haven't felt here in a while." Yolanda said.

"I wish I could say you're wrong, but I know you're right. You sure you want to do this though? You realize that once you leave, you'll most likely never be allowed back inside this house." Alex said.

"I know. And I don't care. Honestly Alex, you're the only person I'm going to miss." Yolanda said.

"We both know that you'll miss your parents too." Alex said.

"I would if they still acted like my parents, but the whole reason I'm leaving is because they're not and they haven't for awhile." Yolanda said.

"I know. But I'm still going to miss you." Alex said.

"We'll still see each other, Alex. Mom and dad can't control what we do outside this house and hopefully, until they get with the times, I won't have to set foot in it again." Yolanda said and Alex nodded.

"Still." Alex said and Yolanda nodded.

"I know." Yolanda said as she headed into her room for what she knew would be most likely be the last time in her life, unless that is that her parents got with the times, something that she knew was unlikely unless they uncovered a new holy testament saying that homosexuality is okay, which was unlikely. She still found it ironic that the bible said to love your family, and yet her parents treated her like an abomination simply because she liked girls. However, she refused to dwell on that, since she'd learned a long time ago that trying to point that hypocrisy to them, so instead, she just started packing her things. Or everything she could fit into her backpack and suitcase, which was really just a few days worth of clothes, her laptop and a few other things, before heading back downstairs, not even acknowledging her parents as she walked out the door and desperately hoped that the Whitmores would still take her in and let her stay with them, at least until she could make some other arrangements.

Courtney was surprised when she opened the front door to find Yolanda waiting on the other side, a backpack and suitcase with her.

"Hey, is that offer to spend the night still good?" Yolanda asked.

"Yeah, come on in." Courtney said as she showed the Latina in.

"Thanks, I'm gonna need to talk to your parents." Yolanda said and Courtney nodded as she led Yolanda into the living room where her parents were sitting.

"So, I know this is very sudden and I understand if the answer is no, but could I please stay with you guys until I can find some other arrangements." Yolanda asked Barbara and Pat after explaining the situation to her.

"We've actually already prepared the guest room for you Yolanda. You can stay here as long as you want, so don't bother making any other plans." Barbara said and Yolanda sighed in relief.

"Thank you so much. I can pay rent if you'd like." Yolanda said.

"Don't worry about that. However, we will expect you to follow our rules the same way we expect Courtney and Mike too. Though if you break them, you won't have to worry about us kicking you out. We'll treat you the same way we would them." Barbara said and Yolanda nodded.

"I'll show her to the guest room." Courtney said and Yolanda nodded as they headed towards the stairs.

"Also Yolanda, I want to make a list of everything still at your parents house that you want to have here and then Pat and I will go over there tomorrow to pick up for you." Barbara said and Yolanda nodded as Courtney showed her upstairs.

"So, how long do you think we have before we need to talk to them about staying in their own rooms at night?" Pat asked his wife.

"I give it two months until Courtney realizes what she feels for Yolanda. Then, once they both come clean to each other about their feelings, then we'll cross that bridge." Barbara said and Pat nodded.

"I have a feeling that there's another reason that you're letting Yolanda stay." Pat said.

"I'm hoping that it will distract Courtney from this absurd idea that she needs to be a hero." Barbara said.

"The staff chose her for a reason, Barbara. And she's actually doing really well in her training." Pat said.

"Pat, I don't want her to be in danger." Barbara said.

"Barb, this is Blue Valley. The most dangerous thing she'll face is a jay walker." Pat said, though he had no idea of how wrong he was about that.

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