🐱 Kenma Kozume 🐱

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A/N: For the record, Kenma has a PSP and NOT a switch, regretfully, there is Xbox slander in this, sorry. Slightly wrote him based on my gamer brother, Kenma is now ruined for me. 

Requested By: kozumecicle

Drabble: "I think I'm in love."

The One Where Tetsuro Drags Kenma To The Mall, And He Unsuspectingly Falls In Love.


Tetsuro Kuroo briskly walked through the busy halls of the mall with Kenma Kozume following behind him begrudgingly. He had his play station portable, PSP if you will, in his hand. He was only half paying attention to the walkway and where Tetsuro was heading. Tetsuro was a little bemused watching how Kenma was able to follow him and watching out for bumping into strangers.

"Can we go to the game store yet?"

Kenma had not intended or planned on being dragged to the mall by his best friend. Sometimes Tetsuro just didn't like going places alone, even if the said place was just the shoe store at the mall for some new volleyball sneakers. At least Tetsuro had the decency to bribe him with a free videogame.

"Yeah, sure."

Kenma was ecstatic as he saved the game on his PSP, turned it off, and carefully placed it in his backpack. He had been waiting so long to finally go into the videogame store, Tetsuro had taken over an entire hour picking out new volleyball shoes.

"Finally. I think you're the only person who spends over an hour looking for shoes."

"Hey! The right kind of shoes could be the winning factor to our games."

Kenma made his way directly to the game store with Tetsuro following behind him. Kenma made his way over to the PlayStation section, however, as he looked across the store and saw the woman running the register he bolted. Blood rushed to Kenma's cheeks as he quickly grabbed onto Tetsuro's jacket and pulled him into the X-Box section.

"What are you...? Why are we in this section? You hate X-Box users, you said they were inferior and made fun of me for almost buying one."

"The console, not the user, and because they are! I just... Do you believe in love at first sight?"

"Well, technically speaking it takes six months to fall in love... But I guess sometimes there can be exceptions."

The blush on Kenma's cheek was an evergrowing pink, quickly transitioning to a deep shade of red. He slightly poked his head out of the aisle in a discreet way as to not let you see him. It made him think of the game Call Of Duty and War Hawk, where he'd poke his body out slightly that enabled him to shoot without being shot at.

"I think I'm in love."

"With who? Her?"

Tetsuro poked his head out and Kenma quickly grasped onto his shirt and yanked him back in.

"You can't just look at her, she might come over here and she cannot come over here."

"Why not? You could get her number."

"I can't talk to her okay? I come in here all the time, and every time I see her at the checkout I get nervous, and barely any words come out."

Tetsuro patted Kenma on his back and scanned the shelf for a videogame that looked noteworthy.

"Don't worry about talking, I'm gonna get you her number then you can take it at your own pace."

"No, wait-"

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