🗣 Keishin Ukai 🗣

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Requested By: Anonymous

Drabble: "Is she your wife?"

The One Where You Suprise Your Lover At Work.


The sound of your heels made a clacking sound against the pavement as you walked. It was only noon but your feet were already aching from the shoes your work demanded you wear every day.

It had been quite a few years since you walked the grounds of Karasuno high. You hadn't been here since you graduated—quite ironic seeing as your longtime boyfriend, Keiahin Ukai was working as Karasuno's volleyball coach.

It didn't take you long to find Karasuno's gym. Back in your high-school days, you would come to the gym frequently. Every day, every practice and every game, you'd come to watch Keishin. The walk to the gym was practically muscle memory.

You pushed the doors to the gym open and made your way inside, heels clacking louder against the waxed floor. You spotted Keishin sitting in a chair at the back of the gym, magazine in one hand, cigarette between his fingers on the other.

"Should you be doing that in here?"

Keishin looked up from his magazine at the sound of your voice. A subtle, boyish smile took place on his face. It reminded you of the smile he'd throw you every time you'd show up to his games or just to watch him practice. 

"No. Why? You gonna rat me out again?"

You let out a light laugh as you walked closer to Keishin who took in one last puff from his cigarette. He exhaled before opening the window at the end of the gym and tossed it out, leaving the window open to air out the room before Takeda and the volleyball team came back.

"You're still hanging onto that? I was sixteen, it was years ago."  

"'Course I'm still hanging onto that, it was mean. The old man bitched at me hardcore for it, almost kicked me from the team."

A smile was placed on your lips at the memory. It played in your head as you placed your hands sweetly on the area between Keishin's chest and shoulders. You gave Keishin a quick peck on his cheek, lingering a few seconds longer than you usually would. 

You weren't necessarily sorry for having done it, but you hadn't really thought about how it might have affected him when you had done it. 

"I didn't really think about it, I just wanted to hurt you. You had just broken up with me, then you started hanging out with Lisa. I wasn't going to let that bitch take my place smoking with you, it was a big obstruction of girl code."

Your right hand moved up from his chest to cup his cheeks lovingly. It was the best apology you could give him without saying sorry, especially considering you didn't regret your actions. 

"While I'm sorry you got yelled at, I don't regret getting her kicked from the volleyball team."

"I forgot how spiteful you could be."

"It wasn't spite, she was trying to steal you! You know what, I brought you lunch, but never mind, I'm going to take it back to my car and eat it myself."

You scowl at your boyfriend as you go to withdrawal your hand from his cheek but he pulls up his hand and places it over yours to keep it there. 

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