••• Request Page •••

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This Is The Page You'll Make Requests.

I Only Accept Requests Made On This Chapter.

Requests Sent Through DM/PM Remain Anonymous. 


Format Types I Write:
001. Drabbles.

002. Fake Texts.

003. Fake Social Media.

004. Head Canons.

005. Imagines.

006. Description Ships.


Rules And Regulations:
001. Must Choose A Type Of Writing - For Example, Drabble, Or Fake Text - Or I Will Choose Myself.

002. Details Are Nice.

003. Polymory Is OK.

004. LGBTQ+ Is OK.

005. No Character Limitations Per Request.

006. 5$ For NSFW Requests.


Angsty Prompts:
001. "Baby, you've never known me."

002. "Do you think it'll ever be enough?"

003. "Don't close your eyes, please don't close your eyes!"

004. "Don't let go... Please."

005. "Don't touch me!"

006. "How did they die?"

007. "I can't lose you..."

008. "I can't lose you! I'm scared and lost. We lost two people tonight so god forbid you too!"

009. "I couldn't explain it because it's something you had to live through... Now you know."

010. "I couldn't save them! I couldn't save them!"

011. "I don't owe you an explanation."

012. "I love you completely and you loved me just the same, the rest is confetti."

013. "I love you so, so much."

014. "I never thought I'd lose you to this!"

015. "I-I saw them! I saw (name)!"

016. "I should've never met you."

017. "I was screaming and screaming! You never looked or heard me, I was right here, I was right here all along, I thought you forgot about me."

018. "I wasn't ready to say goodbye."

019. "If one dies... Then the other one is likely to die to...."

020. "I'll let them go if you stay with me... I can't lose you."

021. "I'm like a mouse that a monster has eaten."

022. "I'm proud of you..."

023. "I'm trying to drink them back to life."

024. "Is this where we say goodbye? The end of the road?"

025. "Journeys end in a lover's meeting."

026. "Loving me is a death sentence."

027. "No don't. Please... Please don't. Please stop! Please!"

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