🐱 Kenma Kozume 🐱

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Requested By: EpicPinkaholic

Drabble: "Can I finish my game?"

The One Where Kenma Has Been Spending To Much Time On His PSP And [Y/N] Needs Cuddles


You slightly lifted the plant up on Kenma's porch and fished the housekey under the pot out and into your fingers. Normally, someone taking out the spare house key to the house they did not live in would be creepy, this was not the case. Every Friday, you would rush to get your homework done while Kenma was in volleyball practice after school, then you would change out of your school clothes before heading over to his house for well-deserved time spent together.

This was a weekly routine for you and Kenma, and the Kozume's were happy to have you come over and use the spare whenever you needed to come over. You pushed the key in the handle, twisted it open, and entered your boyfriend's home. You left the key on the counter before heading up to Kenma's bedroom where you knew he'd be resting up from practice.

"I'm here for my daily fix of hugs and kisses."

Kenma was sitting in his bed, curled up in a ball with his PSP in his hands, you're not sure he heard you due to his lack of response. You slipped your shoes off by his door and made your way over to his bed. You climbed onto it beside Kenma, slightly startling him but not enough to make him lose his game. He looks up briefly but returns to his game quickly as to not let himself die.

"Hey, what're you doing here?"

"It's Friday. Didn't you hear me? I'm ready for my fix of hugs and kisses."

"I thought it was Thursday. Can I finish my game?"

You slipped your arms around Kenma and put your head in the crook of his neck to peer over his shoulder to try and see what game he was playing. It was OverWatch, you wanted to scowl but resisted the urge to. Those games were always so long, they could range from five to forty minutes.

"I guess, are you close to done?"

Kenma doesn't reply but you watch him aggressively tap away at the buttons on his game. You let go of him and flop down on the pillow next to him. This was going to take forever. Silently, as to not distract him, you pull out your phone and dink around a bit on social media. The clock was slowly ticking, and your patience was growing thin. Every so often you look over Kenma's shoulder to check in on him playing his game. After what felt like the umpteenth time checking, victory was displayed over Kenma's game.

"All done?"

"Can I play another round? I play another one I'll both level up and get a medal."

You should say no. This is our time. The one day a week we set aside time for each other. Kenma's voice sounded so excited, and his smile was so big.

"Fine, but I want double my fix of hugs and kisses."

The waiting began again. This time you spent a majority of your time propped up by pillows watching Kenma play his game. The first five minutes were boring, he was just scavenging around, evading enemies, and looking for a weapon. Ten more minutes go by and soon your watching Kenma shoot down his enemies. Soon those fifteen minutes double and transition into a half-hour. Kenma was quickly playing and taking shelter while he briefly took a second to plug his PSP into a charger before he continued to charge into battle and a dastardly idea popped in your head.

Most days you could pride yourself on being a good girlfriend. You would even go as far as to say the best girlfriend. You supported Kenma, you were patient with him. Today was not one of those days. You had officially been here for an hour and a half waiting on Kenma to finish his game, you'd have to take matters into your own hands, unfortunately for Kenma, his PSP was down to three percent, and the charging outlet was on your side of the bed.

He won't know. How would he know? For all he knows he pulled too hard and knocked the cord out. That line to convince you was thin, and you easily crossed it. It only takes a second and you're reaching above your head and nonchalantly disconnecting the cord from the block. You wait just a few minutes, and soon Kenma's PSP screen goes black.


You felt partly bad as Kenma's PSP shut off, but this was the one day a week you both set aside time for each other. It was hard finding time between your studies and Kenma's volleyball to find time for each other. With nationals and the end of the semester coming up, you were both busy as ever. Kenma placed his PSP on the small dresser by his bed and rolled over to face you.

He didn't bother mentioning how he knew the cord on his PSP had been unplugged. He didn't bother mentioning how he had lost his game. All he did was wrap his arms around your frame and pull your body into his. All he did was place a small kiss against your head before placing his chin ontop.

"Want those hugs and kisses now?"

"Oh, is your game over? Yes. I want my hugs and kissies now!"

"Have you ate? I can try to make something for you."

You pulled yourself closer to Kenma's chest, engulfing yourself in his warm shirt, and smiled as you felt him place another kiss on your head.

"I'm alright, just cuddle me. How was practice? Tetsuro texted me saying you were mean, something about calling him a dog? He told me to hide your games."

Kenma goes off launching himself into the story of how Kuroo got mad at him for telling him that he looked like the leader dog from up. You listen to every precious word, enjoying the well-deserved attention you and Kenma set aside for each other weekly. Being in each other arms, sharing these special moments together, the sweet little talks about your days, it was precious and irreplaceable to Kenma. No game could ever replace what you had.


Edited: 2-22-2021

Tip Jar: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/IzzyJJ13?locale.x=en_USp


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