3~ Mind Games

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Chara's theme, I didn't want to use Overwrite because this story has kind of taken its own path, since the Underverse part of the story is over


"So the magic, the person causing all this...is in XTale?" Sam asked themself. This soul they were trying to find, its trait was completely unknown. All that could be discerned was that it was extremely powerful. 

"We found the soul, they're in XTale. We don't know the exact coordinates but we know they're here." Dream said to you. 

"We have absolutely no idea what she's capable of, so we need to be careful." Sam added. 

Paige arrived in XTale a few minutes later, having been texted by Sam and asked to come there. 

Unknown, X was watching from a distance. Perfect for her, all the people she needed to stop were all in the same place. It was so simple to her, play mind tricks on them to make them lost their determination. From there, stopping them all would be simple. 

"Just remember everyone, we have no idea when she could show up, or what she'll do. Stay determined!" Paige said encouragingly. Just like that, everyone was transported into some sort of maze of memories. Everyone was haunted by their own respective traumatic memories. For Chara, it was of watching you and his brother die. For Sam, it was the war. Paige, it was watching her parents die in a genocide run. For you, it was watching Chara die right in front of you. Dream's worst memory was seeing his brother be corrupted.


"It's just a memory, Chara's alive now. He's okay." You whispered to yourself. All it was was a memory, a simple recollection of the mind. Chara was perfectly fine. The world around faded, leaving you in the field where you originally came to XTale. But where was everyone else?


"Sure, Night's corrupted. Sure, he's gone now. But at least he no longer has to suffer." Dream said as the memory that haunted him the most faded, transporting him to the field where he found you.

"Where's everyone else?" He asked. You shrugged, waiting for Paige, Sam, and Chara. 


"Oh how hard can it be?! I won't let this defeat me!" Sam sang to themself. Their memory was of the war against XGaster, knowing they've seen people and monsters die haunted them. Landing near their father, who hugged them tightly upon seeing they were alright. 


"Stay determined, I got this. My parents, they're okay. They're alive." Paige said, landing directly on her face in the field. Now all that was left was Chara. But, what the hell even happened? Who did this to you? Why did they?


"Chara! You're alright!" You ran up to him, the latter blushing in embarrassment. But the question still remained, who did this? Was it the soul you had been trying to pinpoint?

At that exact moment, time froze completely and you were unable to move. 

"Hello, my name is X." Said a skeleton girl who had appeared with a purple flash.

"I'm the one you're looking for. You six are certainly interesting, I'll give you that. I hope you'll join me in my new game." She added, smiling menacingly. 

You Don't Have To Be Alone~ XTale Chara x reader [book 2/2]Where stories live. Discover now