5~ Daybreak

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I imagine this to be the theme song of the combined 7 main characters, like how they're all going to be fighting at once this would be their theme.


The sun rose in the doodlesphere, exactly like it did ten years ago. You summoned your yellow attacks, Yasi activated her telekinesis, Sam summoned their spiked gears, Dream got his bow and arrows, and Chara summoned his knives. 

You hated how X could just waltz in here and take everything away from you just like her father did. Hated. Hate...

Your soul felt strange, like there was a dark fog obscuring it. You would ignore it for now, there were more important matters on hand. Who knew the start of a new day, something so positive, could have such a connotation? 

On the other side, it meant the dark was over, and there was a new beginning. But this "new beginning" was something that could both be scary and wistful. What would come after that, no one knew. 

Once the fight was over, there would be no more fighting, no more pain, no more suffering. All you had to do was get to the other side. This task was, though daunting, reachable. 

"This is it...LET'S GO!" You screamed, teleporting everyone to XTale, right to X's location. Everyone attacked, quickly without thinking. Sam threw their gears with the help of Yasi who was levitating them, you launched your bullet hell attacks, Chara threw his knives, and Dream launched some arrows. She was caught off guard by this attack, falling to the ground. X shed a few purple tears. She was...crying? That was certainly something wrong here.

"Please don't...please just...I won't cause any trouble, I promise." X said, crying more now. You sighed, signaling everyone to back away. She smiled, wiping the tears from her eye sockets and standing up. She waved goodbye and teleported away with a purple flash, never to be seen again. 


It was over, you won. X left, she was gone forever. But now there was an even more daunting task, acknowledging the dark fog taking over your soul. What exactly it was, you weren't sure. You started hating everything, absolutely hating it all. 

Hate. There was no possible way to counteract it. You were annoyed by everyone and everything, you were more sarcastic and mean to everyone. You were no longer yourself, no longer a parent, no longer happy. 

Woah a POV change, it's Chara's POV now~

Y/n was nothing like before, their eyes had this...look. It was like there was nothing behind their once bright and sparkling [eye color] eyes. They were so much more mean to both me and Yasi. Why, I don't know? You'd think they'd be nicer to their own family, but nope. We need to find out what's going on here, Y/n can't just change like this with no warning. It was more sudden than before, and it was scary. 


Next arc will be starting, and I'll be giving every character a new theme song for what I would describe as season 2 of this story. Though most stories go on hiatus between seasons, not for me. I'll be working on season 2 as soon as I publish this. I realize now I forgot to give Yasi and Dream theme songs, so I'll link them here:

Yasi's theme:

Dream's theme:

You Don't Have To Be Alone~ XTale Chara x reader [book 2/2]Where stories live. Discover now