7~ A World's End Dancehall

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Ok here's Sam's season 2 theme. I listened to this once and fell in love immediately, I feel like the added bass in this cover suits them really well. 

*Btw sorry for upload spamming, I'll suddenly get motivation and then I don't want to stop writing


The room opposite the bar was a dancehall. It was so quiet, it could be safe to assume the world had ended and this was the only thing left. You sound the music box and danced. A twirl, a leap, twirl, twirl, twirling. Singing to the song came naturally for you, as your place in the world faded away and all that was left to you was to sing and dance. 


Of course, you weren't anywhere near disappearing, quite the contrary. Everyone still remembered you, though Sam briefly didn't know what everyone was talking about 

"OH NO I'M ALREADY AT STAGE 2!" They said, scared by something. No one knew what they were talking about. 


You woke up on the floor of the dancehall, having danced until you passed out. Though now, you had to figure out what was wrong with your soul. You walked up the stairs to the library, looking for at least one book that could vaguely describe your soul's condition. 

An unlabeled book on a high shelf ended up being the answer. 

"A soul that is covered in hate is usually characterized by the owner becoming very distant and hating everything they once liked. The way to reverse hate is unknown." It read. So you were stuck this way? It was hate? This hate could very well kill you if you gave it the chance. 

Don't let it have an opening. Don't let it take over. Suppress it until you could find a way to reverse its effects. No matter what it takes, you needed to keep the hate inside and don't let it effect anyone. Maybe, just maybe by the widest stretch of imagination, you could be happy if you didn't think about your delicate condition. 

But this façade couldn't be kept up forever, it was only a matter of time before they found you, before it all came crumbling down before you. 

No one knew what a soul covered in hate could do, and now was the time to find out. You heard five pairs of footsteps walking up behind you. You turned around and saw...

Time skip to 5 hours earlier~

"We've gotta find them!" Chara said, worried as of his partner's whereabouts. 

"I promise, we'll find Y/n, no matter how long it takes." Dream reassured him. Paige and Sam were practicing their magic. Paige danced around and popped her magic bubbles as if she was in combat with a real person. Sam, on the other hand, was doing target practice with fruit while singing along with a song they were listening to. This was their final practice before they would go find Y/n. This was so important to everyone involved that it felt like the most important thing in the multiverse. 

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