10~ In Your Reality (sad ending)

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Yes the chapter title is a DDLC reference, listen to the song I linked while you read this, it makes it more emotional. Yeah I played the game. I'll be using the lyrics a bit in this chapter. I really want to record myself singing this but that's off topic. BTW this chapter gets pretty meta and 4th wall breaking


Every day, you had imagined a future where you could truly be with him. You had even gone as far as to write entire stories and poems of you and him together, yet the broken pen's ink simply flowed into a dark puddle. 

In your reality, you had written your way into his heart. But in this world of infinite choices, what would it take to be with him? They were all so happy, not knowing you weren't really a character and their narrative was programmed. 

Had you made their pre-programmed lives fun? Well, everything is fun when Chara was around. When you couldn't truly read your own feelings for him, what good are words when a smile says it all? If this world couldn't truly give you an ending, what would it take for you to be a real part of this game?

Would it be love if you took him, or love if you deleted the game and set them free? What would it take to write your love for him into reality? What is love in your reality? And in this reality, if you didn't know how to love him,

"I'll leave you be..."

* Delete the character "Y/n"? 

[❤️Yes] [no]

* Uninstall file "You Don't Have to be Alone"?

[❤️Yes] [no] 

* There is a message from the creator of the file. Open message?

[❤️Yes] [no]

Message from creator: Thanks for reading this story! I know I broke the 4th wall way too much in this chapter, but I hope you enjoyed! -Sammy

You Don't Have To Be Alone~ XTale Chara x reader [book 2/2]Where stories live. Discover now