Chapter 6

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I woke up eagerly the following morning, getting ready for my day at the clinic. After finishing up with my morning routine I said my goodbyes to Sarah and went to go get a taxi. "Morning, where too?", the taxi driver asked, "Aqua veterinarian clinic please.", I replied politely, he nodded his head and started driving. After a few minutes, the taxi driver stopped in front of the clinic, I paid him and headed inside the clinic.

"Good morning Maggie, Dr Thomas informed you I was coming today?", I said making it sound more like a question, she nodded and replied "Yes dear, same way as yesterday. His office is to the left." I smiled and let out a small thanks and started walking through the same hallway we did yesterday turned left. I saw a sign on one of the doors saying Dr Thomas on and lightly knocked on the door, I heard a 'come in' from the inside and opened the door being greeted by Dr Thomas behind his desk doing what I presume is paperwork of some sort.

"Morning Doctor how are you?", I asked making conversation, "I'm well thanks.", I said politely putting down his papers, I just nodded my head standing awkwardly in his office. "So Ardnola is it? That's quite an unusual name.", he stated I nodded in agreement "My mom had a thing for unique names.", I said "I can see that, so Ardnola what brings you here today?", he questioned. "I was wondering if I could check on the vaquita and just see how he is doing?", I said making it sound more like a question "Only if it's fine with you of course!", I replied quickly.

"Follow me.", he said gesturing me back out into the hallway, we walked to the tank where the vaquita was in. I stood in front of the glass and out of nowhere the little vaquita s wam right in front of me making little snorting sounds. "That's amazing, he hasn't come out from under the stair since we put him in the tank! Would you mind trying something for me?", Dr Thomas asked I nodded and followed him upstairs which led us to the top where the opening of the tank was. Dr Thomas brought me a bucket that was full of shrimp and fish, "I would like you try and feed him please, take off your shoes and go stand on the stair. I will be right behind you.", he said to me helping me onto the stair in the tank.

The stair wasn't deep maybe a ruler's length; I was looking into the pool when I heard more snorts and saw a small dorsal pop up from under the water. "Hi little guy, you hungry?", I asked the little mammal like I would have asked anyone else. He squeaked and swam in a small circle; I laughed and got a fish from the bucket tossing it to the vaquita and him eating it. "That's incredible, I haven't been able to get him to eat since he has gotten here.", Dr Thomas said in astonishment.

After feeding him everything in the bucket Dr Thomas and I went back into his office, "Ardnola would you mind coming back tomorrow same time as today, I would like to try a few things?" he asked "Sure." I said and later went back home and thought of today's events.

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