part four 1/2 <3

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(riley's pov)

i wake up to honking , i soon remember i was in the shop and i see ruben sleeping on the other couch , my neck hurt from the lack of support on these dang couches ..
i sit up stretch and go to check the time but my phone was dead so i grabbed rubens phone that was resting on his hand
7:12 ...
i see 10 different messages from alexa and i couldn't stop myself i had to look , i start reading the notifications...

alexa. : ruben. are you coming to fuckshits birthday party tomorrow , can i talk to you or something? | delivered 6:24am

alexa. : i know your mad at me but i know your awake , your always awake | delivered 6:40am

alexa. : riley seems ghetto and she dresses like a guy , are you sure she isn't gay? | delivered 6:44am

alexa. : you know what , you're trying to blame me for treating you bad? i only started when you cheated on me. | delivered 7:05am

"fuck" i say and i just put his phone back down. at the end of the day we aren't dating i can't get angry .. i grab rubens cigs and light one enjoying the sunrise from the couch . as i sat there i thought about fuckshits party and if i should even go , i could save myself from being butt hurt .. i heard ruben murmur and sit up .
"yo are you smoking my cigs" he grabs his pack and checks if they're all still there
"you need to chill out it's only one , and alexa left you some messages" he gives me a dirty look "and you're on my phone?!"
i stand up and walk out with my board and phone not even wanting to try explain myself because it will lead to another argument...
i hop on my board and skate my way home smoking the rest of rubens cig .. when i get home i run upstairs and hop in the shower , i needed it , i showered and did all my things i had to do then i checked my phone.

new message from unknown :
unknown: come to the shop | delivered 10:01am

riley : who's this? | delivered 10:04

unknown : fuckshit | delivered 10:04

riley : be right there | delivered 10:05

i decided i might as well go and see the guys and ask what's happening tonight, i wanted to stop "talking" to ruben and just be his friend until he figures out his feelings

i show up to the shop and everybody's inside , "what's up?" i say while placing my bag against the tv and sitting on my board on the floor beside stevie.

442 words wow , so fucking short but i can't figure out what would be really entertaining for them to do until fuckshits birthday and what should happen between alexa and ruben.. ?
i want to get your guys thoughts so i'll write the rest as soon as i get some ideas

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