part six <3

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A/N : sooo this morning i was about to write and i decided i'd look at gios story and saw he posted with his girlfriend and then i sat there and thought about it , i'm writing a whole ass book about someone's boyfriend like a creep LOL i feel like one but this one isn't about gio and more about "ruben" but writing the other book would kind of make me feel disrespectful so i don't think i'll do that , this book is going places so i'm going to finish it but it makes me so uncomfortable, i know i probably shouldn't because they definitely don't care one bit but for some reason i find myself caring about their relationship.

(riley's pov)

me and ruben walk down the hotel hallway both soaking wet in towels and underwear, that was the dumbest idea ever .. not to mention we also smell like chlorine.
as we reach the front door of the hotel we can see the uber waiting outside . i feel rubens arms wrap around me while we get in , i'm guessing to keep me warm.
"i'm sorry if we get the seats wet" ruben says tapping the drivers shoulder . the old irregular looking man smiles weirdly "it's okay bud , i'd understand"
ruben was noticeably thrown off by this weird man and decided to pull out his phone and talk on it as if he were talking to someone .
i sit back and hold his hand looking out the window , around ruben i feel safe and i don't know how i can even imagine of being with someone else. i know we're in a very dangerous situation right now but all i can think of was him.
"yeah mom we're almost there, wait for us outside" ruben says out loud .
the man pulls up to my house and very very very coincidentally my dad was looking out the window in his very old robe , he kind of looked like a women ..
i laughed and so did ruben and we got out , on the way out ruben tapped on the drivers window and smiled and the man did too , i'm sure he wasn't no harm but we'll never know.
my dad opens the front door for us ..
"riley why did you take so long and why are you two naked" he says chuckling nervously.
we both step inside and the best feeling of warm air comes over us both. "we needed to get our friend to call us an uber because they were sleeping andd we went swimming , i know dumb idea i'm sorry" he shrugs "it's okay let's just hope you two aren't sick"
we nod and both run up the stairs to not only get new underwear but to shower .
as we enter my room i bend over to grab some new underwear and clothes and ruben down too , we turn around to each other and both stare at each other for about 20 seconds.
"do i have to shower in your dads room?"
he says looking down. i smile "of course not" i grab his hand and pull him into my bathroom and he stands against my bathroom counter nervously as i take off my bra and underwear..
i look over at him and smile , "are you going to shower in your underwear" he shakes his head and takes them off , i didn't care that he was naked in front of me , i've seen him do so many other things like puke that i was comfortable enough to see him naked. we both get into the shower and i start it
"woah woah woah riley you shower in this hot of water?! turn it down!" he says laughing
i turn it down a little bit and look back up at him to make sure it was fine now and he nods.
i stand there with my eyes closed and let the water fall down my face , as i normally would but this time it was 100x more relaxing since me and ruben just froze our asses off , i can't even imagine how cold the others are , i'll text fuckshit after .
i feel warm hands touch my face and i open my eyes ..
"riley.." he says looking down on me . before answering him i admire the water that sits on his eyelashes and falls onto his lips .
"yes?" i say blinking due to the gallons of water that are in my eyes because of how long i looked at him .
"will you be my girlfriend? , i know you worry about alexa but i promise i'll give you a reason not to and it's just-"
i stop him by putting my lips on his and then slowly pull away .. "of course i will" he smiles and grabs the shampoo that was behind him "turn around"
i turn around and feel cold shampoo hit my head and and then ruben start washing my hair , soon after washing my hair i look at him ..
"wait" i say laughing "my dads shampoo is in his room" rubens goes from laughing to looking down at my flower scented shampoo..
"there has to be a way" i grab my phone that sat on the floor on a towel and text my dad .
"but he doesn't know we're in here together" he says wiping water off him face" i smile "he won't care don't worry"
we slowly hear my dads footsteps go from downstairs to his room and finally into mine..
"here ruben" he says sticking his arms through the door .. "thank you sir" he says while grabbing the shampoo from my dads hand, we continue our shower and ruben now smells like a man instead of a women.
as we get out of the shower ruben sneezes..
"i guess we are sick" i say putting on my new grey underwear set and a tank top and sweatpants..
"i guess so" he puts on new underwear and sweatpants and his chain.
i stand in front of my mirror with my towel on my head brushing my teeth now just noticing that ruben was my boyfriend.. i smile at this thought.
ruben brushing his teeth as well with his messy hair looks at me through the mirror .. "what are you smiling at" he says with the mouth full of toothpaste in his mouth ..
"you" i say spitting my toothpaste out and moving onto my hair brushing it down .
he spits out his toothpaste and kisses my cheek and steps into my room and grabs his razor .
"i feel like i'm getting hairy" he says shaving his face , i laugh and open my bathroom door and jump into my bed and under the covers , i grab my phone and pull up me and fuckshits conversation.

riley : hey bro how are you guys doing? me and ruben are back at my place and he asked me out :) | delivered 3:28 am

fuckshit : hey sis were okay , everyone else left and were just cleaning up , we're pretty cold and tired but well he okay and i told you he'd be okay !! | delivered 3:30

riley : okay good i'm glad you are okay and i hope you get home safe <3 | delivered 3:31

fuckshit : goodnight ♥️

i leave fuckshit on read and notice ruben putting his things away and getting into bed ..
"wow what a rough day" i nod and turn to him
"what's our plans for tomorrow" i say smiling.
he looks down at me "well you have work tomorrow"..

shit i forgot i work at the shop now..

A/N : okay this was a somewhat short chapter but i have so many good ideas for how to book is going to end but i want to make it long yk? like i don't want it to end soon so i have to think on some things that might happen between now and when the book ends , now that riley is working at the shop i have a couple ideas but yeah <3

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