part seven <3

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(riley's pov)

i wake up to the sound a shower turning on and notice how it's not even light outside yet , it's definitely my dad . i turn over and see ruben sleeping and then turn back over and grab my phone..
the shop doesn't open until 8 so i have time .. i try to go back to sleep but it almost seems impossible, i lay in my bed with my eyes closed listening to my dad loudly going through his routine but it didn't seem to bother ruben , he was still fast asleep.
i decide to get up anyway and put on some comfy clothes and get ready ... for work.
i'm not dreading working there because it's the best job i can get myself.
as i stand up i feel a sharp pain in my ankle .. it must have been from the crazy shit that went on at fuckshits party , it wasn't crazy unbearable pain so i went along my routine quietly non like my father.
for today i put on some sweatpants and grabbed one of rubens hoodies , i giggle to myself while doing this just out of pure excitement.
i was so excited to be his girlfriend , i go to my bathroom and look at myself for a good forty seconds really debating if i should do my hair , today was a lazy day overall , nothing to do but work and sit in the shop.
i leave my hair and everything how it is and continue to brush my teeth.
after brushing my teeth and using the washroom i wanted to catch my dad before he left and sit with him for awhile.
i run down the stairs and see him sitting at the kitchen island with a cup of coffee..
"what are you doing up so early?" he says looking up from the newspaper.
"work , i got a job at the shop" he raises his eyebrows. "wow who knew" he smiles .
i grab the rest of the coffee that was sitting in the coffee pot and sit next to him.
it felt awesome to sit next to my proud dad , for once i felt close to him. we sit at the island watching the sunrise is was all kinds of colors but mostly purple and pink.
"so what's going on with you and ruben?" he says still looking out the window , i laugh .
"i'm surprised you remember his name"
"of course i do , he's a respectful young man" "well were dating if you couldn't tell , he likes you a lot dad and i think here i safer for him"
"well his mom isn't good to him at home so"
"that's fine he can live here if he wants , i'm actually planning on moving down to ohio with your brother in a couple of months and since you'll be 18 by then you can have the house" i can feel my heart jump out of my chest .
"wow that would be awesome dad , i'd really appreciate that" he looks up at the clock.
"i guess i have to go darling , i'll be back sometime tonight" i nod and take another sip of my coffee.
i can't believe my dad would do that for me , i really thought he hated me , i think right now i'm my happiest .
the door closes and i find myself sitting alone and i decide to turn on the lights now and tidy up before i have to leave.
i finish up and look at the time
oh my i have to leave , i run back upstairs and run to rubens side of the bed..
"babe wake up" i say shaking ruben.
he rubs his eyes.. "what what"
"i have work so i'm leaving now but you can come whenever you want" he nods and i kiss his cheek and make my way back downstairs, put on my shoes and grab my board.
as cheesy as it sounds i feel like a wife yk?
like in the movies where the wife would leave for work and kiss her lazy husband goodbye
i laugh to myself in the middle of the road on my board.
not that ruben is lazy but it resembles it alot.
being up this early in the morning was relaxing, looking around i see people in rush to get to work and coffee shops are full , as chaotic as it is , it's kind of satisfying..
i finally pull up to the shop and see ray just setting things up.
"you made it" he says looking back
i nod and place my stuff behind the desk.
"okay since you don't know how to set boards up yet i'll teach you that tonight and i'll do until you do know how , just call me when a board needs to be made , i'm going to clean up today since last night fuckshit came running through here drunk"
i look at the things that were knocked down on the floor..
"okay that's fine" ray bends over to pick a poster yawning.
"i need myself a monster or some shit" he says walking out the back door .
i can tell me and ray we're going to have a lazy mfing day..
everyone else was at home sleeping since they got home at 4 and ruben was going to be sleeping for a while , things were about to get boring. i decided since nobody was going to come in at 8am to sit on the couch and turn on the tv while watching the front .
ray comes back with about 7 posters , some ripped.
"we came back here this morning to get fuckshits board and he ripped all this shit down"
"do you need help?" i say looking up at ray .
"nah nah you're good , it's just going to be a long day.."

i look back at the tv .. "don't remind me"
ray laughs and starts hanging up the posters.
all throughout the day we get a couple customers, nothing out of the usual, ray falls asleep at one point on the couch and i watch tv until this women walks in , she looks drunk and angry , she wears a black acdc oversized t-shirt and some tight blue jeans. i get up as i usually would when someone enters and go sit at the front.
she paces around looking in the bathroom and every other room , she's clearly looking for someone.
"can i help you with something ma'am?" i say looking at her concerned , now that i've spoken i woke ray up who was lightly sleeping and surprisingly didn't wake up to the women's loud grunting and staggering .
he just sits up and observes the situation..
"yes mAaM" she says mocking me rudely , "where the fuck is ruben he hasn't been home in weeks" i look at ray and notice his eyes widen..
"i have no idea where ruben is" i say looking at ray as if i was asking if he's seen ruben ..
"nah i haven't seen him for the past couple of days , last time i seen him he stopped by to say hi , he looked in a rush"
she rolled her eyes and slams both of her hands onto the counter ..
"don't play fucking dumb with me little girl you're wearing his fucking sweater" my heart starts to beat fast and i never wished i wasn't wearing some so bad then that moment.
"it has to be a coincidence, i got this for my birthday" she quickly grabs my shoulder and turns me and roughly pokes my back .
"there's a stain on the back , that's rubens!"
ray now stands up and quickly gets between me and rubens mom.
i wipe the one tear that happened to fall and all of a sudden i look to my right and see ruben come up to the door with his head down then quickly notice what was going on , ray is now trying not to get in this women's face while she pushes up against him.
ruben runs in the shop and drops his stuff.
"what the fuck are you doing here yelling at my friends for?!" he surprisingly is very brave about approaching his very drunk mom.
she grabs ruben by the wrists and clearly has a strong grip.
"where the fuck have you been!" she says screaming in his face. i was frozen at this point , i didn't know what to say , i didn't know what to do.
ray grabbed ruben and moved him behind his back.
"hey what the fuck you don't grab him like that!" ray is clearly now getting angry . rubens mom is getting more angry and is hitting rays chest as he's holding ruben back .
"why do you have to ruin my life mom!!" ruben starts sobbing and covers his face while ray tries fighting off his mom. i decide to move from the back of the desk and grab ruben and take him to the bathroom , ray pushes his mom out and she walks away screaming.
"fucking bullshit" i hear ray yell from the other room.
ruben is sitting on the toilet seat trying to apologize but he can't catch his breath ..
"it's okay babe i got you i got you" he falls in my arms crying more and more .
"did she hurt you?"
i take a moment to check if she did , all i could feel was a slight pain on my back from the poke.
"she just poked me that's all , i'm okay."
he sighs and sniffles into my shoulder and ray walks in .. "it's okay bro you're alright" he pats his back ..
"i'm sorry she had to do that to you guys" ruben says and me and ray both say at the say time "no it's okay"

A/N : it took me awhile to find motivation to write but i put together a alright sized chapter for you guys , <3
i'll write again tonight probably.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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