Chapter 8: These Bitches Gay!

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The kiss lasted a bit longer than two minutes. Bill pulled Ce-Ce up from the dip as the kiss was broken. It took a moment for the realization to settle upon both of them of what had transpired. When it did, however, Bill looked away, blushing profusely. Meanwhile, Ce-Ce was smiling, a sly look upon his face. 

"So.. Is that how you feel about me, Billy?" Ce-Ce said in a teasing tone. Bill widened his eyes and glanced at Ce-Ce.

"I- uhm- well-" Bill stumbled on his words, but then finally got it together, "I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't feel that way." Ce-Ce laughed at how much Bill was trying to keep his cool. Bill got slightly annoyed at this. "Hey! Quit laughing!"

"Sorry, sorry- heheh- it's just cute how you think you have to act all aloof and cool all the time," Ce-Ce stopped his giggling, and instead softly smiled. Bill's heart melted slightly, and he smiled back. There was this tenderness in the moment. Until-

"Hello? Cipher? Onceler? You two have been up here for a while, so I came to check on you!" Alastor was climbing the stairs. Quickly, Bill and Onceler separated to a normal, just-friends distance. Since Alastor was from the 1920s, the two weren't sure how he'd react.

"So," Bill spoke, trying to make the situation seem natural, "what'd you decide on for my costume?"

"Well, Bill," Ce-Ce gathered his thoughts quickly, "I took your idea of Tim Burton and ran with it. So your costume will be the Mad Hatter from the man's rendition of Alice in Wonderland. With, of course, an added bit of flamboyance."

"And what about mine?" Alastor stepped out onto the balcony. 

"Actually, Al, I was just out here trying to figure it out. I know you wanted something to do with deer, but I still cannot-"

"Well, then go with your heart. What do you think will suit me?"

"Ah... Probably a king of some sort? Maybe a sort of twisted king? Oh! And a crown of deer antlers would go perfect with it-"

"Well, let's leave you to it then. Right, Bill?"

"Yea, give me a moment and I'll join you."

"Alright," Alastor turned to go out the door. Once he had left earshot, Bill looked at Ce-Ce.

"If you need anything, just think about me. I'll check on you soon, alright?"

"Alright. And- when you come back- can you bring me a bottle of water? I have one now, but by the time you come back I'll probably be out."

"Absolutely, Ce-Ce.. Or should I say, my dear," With that, Bill left the room. All the while, Ce-Ce was practically melting at the pet name.

He could get used to this.

[Heyyyy here's a short chapter for all y'alls eyeballs. I'm currently working on the Joey fic rn. Anyways, enjoy, and thanks for getting this fic to like.. The top of the Onceler tag]

Onceler x Bill Cipher x AlastorWhere stories live. Discover now