Chapter 11: Nightmare Before.. Idk

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As Bill lay there sleeping, Alastor felt a sudden wave of drowsiness as well. He didn't want to leave Bill alone, however. Arguing with himself for but a moment, he decided to sit down by the arm rest of the couch and rest there.


When Bill awoke, he found the house to be eerily quiet. There was not static, nor any sign of Lady Gaga's music blaring through the house. He sat up, stretched, then looked around himself. The room was empty, and there was no sign of anyone in the adjacent rooms either. It felt desolate, and almost sad in a strange way. His mind echoed a singular question and his eyes scanned for someone- anyone. That thought tugged at his mind.

"Am I.. Alone again?" His voice dared not go above a modest whisper. That concept would have been comforting in the past. But, as do the tides of the sea, he had changed. So, instead of the relief he would've felt, his whole body felt a shock of panic. He continued to mumble to himself:

"No, no, no- NO!" He quietly shrieked, curling into a ball and gripping his hair tightly in his hands. His eyes welled with tears as he kept going, "I couldn't have lost them-.. I-... I can't afford to have lost them!" His breathing quickened as he only spiraled further into this thought pattern. His body was shaking. He'd never felt this way before.

"I can't lose them! No, no... Cece.. Fucking hell, Cece just taught me what it means to love- I can't have that ripped from me now! And Al-" Bill was choking on his own words. These emotions were overwhelming and he hated it. It was painful to him- and not in any sort of fun way. Tumbling clumsily through his lamenting, he eventually was able to get what he wanted to say about Al out:

"I think there might be something starting there. I.... I don't want to lose that... Please."


Bill awoke for a second time to wet cheeks and empty lungs. His eyes darted around for a second as his ears picked up the faint sound of early 2010s pop music. He placed a hand on his heaving chest as he tried to calm his panicking heart and looked behind the armrest his head had been near. There, he saw Alastor sleeping peacefully. The demon's toothy grin was replaced by a slight, close-lipped smile. A much-needed calm visual for the distressed yellow-suited man.

A sigh of absolute relief caused all of Bill's tensed muscles to relax as he rolled himself off the couch. Not thinking much, he shimmied his way next to Alastor and draped the blanket over the both of them. Shifting slightly, he made himself comfy. Despite how unusually tame that nightmare was, he still needed the comfort of another body next to him after that.

His eyes fluttered shut again as he leaned onto his grey-skinned housemate. As he drifted off again, he could swear he had felt an arm being wrapped gently around his shoulders.

(I am... So sorry for the long wait. School has started again- but!!! I'm here now!! And here's a short update!!! See yall soon!!)

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