Chapter 4: I've Already Run Out Of Memes

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[So since this fic is almost at 100 reads, I'm gonna do a longer chapter {my average is about 450 words, this'll be double}. Thank y'all for reading btw!!]

"How long do I have to stay like this?" Bill asked for the third time, despite knowing the answer. He stood in Onceler's room, arms outstretched like a Bethesda character that Todd Howard had messed up on. He liked asserting dominance, sure, but this was in no way his form of being 'dominant'.

"Now, Billy, you can't rush perfection!" Onceler said once more to the yellow lad. He was using Bill as a mannequin for a new suit he was making. Bill shifted a little. "Hey, stay still!" Onceler glared at him a little.

"Ughhh, why couldn't you wrangle Al into this? My body is getting stiff and my back is hurting.." Bill complained as he resumed his previous position, despite his body's aching. 

"That's because you have terrible posture! Besides, need I remind you what happened earlier? Al nearly killed me!" Onceler nearly poked Bill with the needle, causing Bill to freeze up. "Sorry about that."

"It's fine," Bill said, "Anyways, he almost killed you because you replaced his whole wardrobe with thneed suits. Thneed fucking suits, Ce-Ce. That's so atrocious, I wouldn't do that to Pine Tree! And I hate that kid!"

"What do you know about fashion?" Onceler scoffed at Bill's remark, hiding how deep those words cut. "You always wear a bright yellow suit! Not only is it bright and gaudy-"

"Look who's talking, Mister Green Suit With Clout Glasses And A Pink Whatever The Fuck! The only good things about your outfit are the gloves, shoes, and pattern!"

"Both of you look absolutely terrible," The Hot Topic wannabe of the group spoke up, "At least, most of the time." Alastor stepped into the room. Onceler had jabbed Bill with the needle due to being startled.

"Ow, fuck!"

"Oh- Sorry," Onceler quickly made sure Bill was okay- he wasn't, by the way- before turning to Alastor, "What do you mean?"

"Well, look at me! I have a simple outfit with a few details and a simple colour scheme! You can never go wrong with red and black accents! Especially with a skin tone as odd as mine." Alastor, whose smile had never faltered, gestured to his face. Onceler looked at Alastor as if studying him. 

"Hmm," Onceler hummed, "I suppose you're right... However, it's easy to match a colour to your skin when it's grey. Plus, your 'details' are just holes in your suit you got from you doing who-knows-what!"

"I suppose it is, but you are the self-proclaimed fashionista!" Alastor pointed out. "You should know how to match your skin tone perfectly! But right now? You look like a skinny piece of broccoli!"

"Well I- Uh- Um..." Onceler stammered. He was at a loss for words. Alastor was right. As if he knew, Alastor grinned more.

"Checkmate, Onceler!" He turned on his heel and began to leave. Before he did, however, he said almost too cheerfully, "Oh, and by the way, dinner will be in about an hour!" Onceler was beet red and questioning his life. That is, until Bill snapped his fingers in Onceler's face. 

"Hey, Billy to Ce-Ce here."

"Ah, right. Sorry, you probably-"

"You need to keep working."


"While you and Al were arguing, I checked myself out. This suit is wonderful. You need to keep working on it."

"Oh, well, I don't know.."

"Onceler," Bill looked at his friend and placed a hand on his shoulder, "You're improving every day. You're using better materials, your stitching is getting more fine-tuned, hell your sense for colour is now so much less.. Less saturated, I guess is the word." Onceler, who had been second guessing himself, looked at Bill. He had a small smile that held disbelief.


"Hell yea."

"What do you like about it?"

"Well," Bill turned to the mirror in the room. The suit being tailored for him was a nice golden, tailed blazer with dark blue accents and pants. The shirt underneath was cream and the tie was blue as well. He was also modelling a blue hat and black heeled shoes. "I absolutely love the colours. The gold with hints of blue was a genius move. The cream shirt makes the tie and suit pop. The heels draws the eyes upwards, allowing people to get a good view of the outfit as a whole... Also, this fabric is really comfortable. Like... As soft as a tarantula's coat. Plus, it's not showing any of my blood from that needle stab!" Onceler was visibly uncomfortable at the mention of a spider. "Oh, right. Sorry."

"It's fine.. Well, what am I waiting for! I better get moving if you like it so much!" Onceler once again sprang into action. He was glad someone had finally said something good about his work. But... Why did his heart flutter when getting that reassurance? Why did the simple shoulder touch cause chills to run up and down his spine? Maybe he was coming down with an illness. But then again, he hadn't felt that way when looking at Alastor... Maybe he would later on? Who knows. For now, he just wanted to finish the suit that seemed to make his dearest friend so happy.

[Okay so this took me about 4 hours to type {3 hours last night and an hour to finish it up today}. And, overnight it got to past 100 reads!! So thank you guys so much!! Honestly my gf, my cousin, and my best friend were all surprised to see that it had gotten {in order of the times they occurred} #17 in Lorax and #50 in Hazbin Hotel {which is now #57}. Thank y'all so much for enjoying this! Also, I love it when y'all comment! Like... Even if it's just an emoji, I still love knowing that someone enjoyed my weird story! I love y'all 😘]

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