Chapter 5: OwO What's This? A New Chapter?

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[Hello domesticated cryptids! It's me! Ya boi! Back after... How many months? Idk man, I'm just writing this because someone actually brought it up to me. Sorry that it's been so long, lol. Anyways- *pours diet mtn dew into a halloween champagne glass* -let's do this]

It was a pleasant night. The moon was full, the stars were shining, and Bill found himself thinking about his odd predicament once more. Three men, in the same house, all of similar builds- in these forms, at least. Two of these men are demonic entities who wield almost infinite power, whilst the other one is a simple designer who has an affinity for destroying habitats. One came from Hell, one came from Gravity Falls in Oregon, and one came from an unknown factory in a once-wooded area. The match-up was certainly odd. Almost as if they were just thrown in there because of their bodies. Bill then remembered something that made him cringe.

"Ugh. Bodies. Vile vessels," Maybe he said this because of the time Pine Tree and Shooting Star outsmarted him. Maybe he said it because he was insecure. Maybe it's Maybelline. "Seriously. Who needs something so... Squishy? And- And so gross..! And ugly.." He was now ranting to the void, voicing his distaste and disgust at having such a vulnerable physical form. At least, he thought it was to the void. But, of course, he was not alone.

"I quite enjoy bodies! They're very delicious," Alastor stepped out from a shadowy corner.

"What the hell?!" Bill screeched, as that is the reasonable response to someone standing in a shadowy corner of your room as they are listening to your midnight ramblings uninvited. "Don't you know about privacy, Al?!"

"No, I actually don't!" With Alastor's perpetually happy tone, it was hard to tell if he was being sarcastic or not. "Anywho, I just don't understand why you hate bodies so much!"

"Well, Al, to start off, I'm not a cannibal-.. Er.. I don't eat humans, is what I'm getting at. I mainly possess them. And let me tell you, their soft and squishy exteriors may be good for your.. Really fucked up desires... But for mine? They're just not stable enough. Wait- why are you in here anyways?"

"Good question!"

"Does it.. Have an answer?"

"It used to!"


"I forgot it."

"Uh.. Alright, well," Bill shifted uncomfortably, "could you maybe.. Leave? I'm going to try to get some sleep now."

"Oh, of course! Sorry, and goodnight!" Alastor turned and walked out of the door. Bill simply watched from his bed, still slightly creeped out from the whole experience. As he laid down and started to drift in and out of consciousness, he couldn't help but ask himself how long Al had been standing there, staring at him.

[Hi! Sorry if this chapter is kinda bad. I haven't written in a while. Also I'm sorry for the short chapter. I would write more, but y'know. Brain broke. I'll try to update at least every other week. Key word: Try. Anyways, that's all for now, folks.] 

Onceler x Bill Cipher x AlastorWhere stories live. Discover now