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So I wanted to make this answering some commonly asked questions I get.

Q. Why did ya make this ?

A. Simple, I did a TRP where jaune arc gets transported to my D&D world and then comes back with what he learned and trys to make remnant better.

Q. Why is it written like a history book and not a traditional story ?

A. Simply put I am not a writer by trade I'm more of a youtuber and a speaker, that an Austin kinda screws me over on my Grammar so I have a better time writielng it like a history book then I do like a story.

Q. Wi you ever make it a book ?

A. No....well not in the traditional sense. You see I'm leaving it as a sort of open source / road map for people to look at and eother be inspired to make it into one or be take theirniwn spin on it so long as they give me credit for the idea.

Q. Will their be other jaune arc story's?

A. Yes...maybe, honestly I wanna play around with more of the ideas including jaune arc of the wolven empire, galactic alliance, vampirian republic, and other ideas. But with my real life stuff with youtube and the farm it's kinda hard to do lol.

Q. Will it stay close to the original pr are you going to do your own thing ?

A. Yes and no, yes it will stay close to the original source material but improve on it to fix ALOT of errors that happened in the show cause....DEAR GOD the show made alot and I mean ALOT of stupid decisions! But I think you'll like the ending.

Q. Will their be romance and or a harem ?

A. Well....sort of, I dont like the ideas of harems unless it makes sense so I'm gonna try and make it to where it does make sense in terms of romance....hope that answers your question.

And that's it ! Hope ya folks got your questions answered and I hope you enjoy what I have planned in the future!

Jaune Arc Of the Peoples Republic of MoskoviaWhere stories live. Discover now