[21] Playing Sherlock

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Thunder boomed outside, rattling the windows of the manor. Lightening flashed outside, occasionally lighting up the horrific scene before which each of the residences and guests of the Phantomhive manor now looked upon in pure horror. 

Deep crimson soaked into the carpet around where Sebastian's lifeless body had fallen to the ground in a rather uncharacteristically messy heap. A thin stream of blood dribbled from the corner of his mouth. Despite the entirely of the horrid sight before you, your eyes remained glue to the metal fire poker that protruded from your dear butler's chest.

If it weren't for Ciel's trembling shouts of rage, and fit of anguish that left him, rather unceremoniously, coaxing Sebastian to stand once again by leaving a fair number of slaps to his face, you were sure that at least half of the people within the room might fall into hysterics.

"I order  you to stand up!" Ciel shouted, his entire frame trembling from rage and what you could only imagine would be Ciel's sense of fear, if he even had any bit of it left. You had to admit, although plays were not really his thing, Ciel could be quite the actor if he so chose. Yet, it might have been less of an urge to make this as realistic as possible and more of a desire to abuse his butler as he saw fit. 

"My Lord, please!" Finny pleaded as he and Mey-Rin worked to pull Ciel from Sebastian's body.

"How is it that there were... two murders on the... same night," Doyle commented as he lifted his hand to rub his chin. 

"He was killed in such a... brutal manner as well," Irene muttered, a sense of fear she no doubt felt adding a rather shaken tone to her voice as she buried her head in her lover's chest. 

"I'll admit," Baldroy said lowly as he stepped to your side, ensuring that you would be the only one to hear his comment, "Pardon me for sayin' so, miss, but I'm a bit surprised at you and the Lord. Aside from his little... 'outburst' earlier, I think we all expected you both to have a bit more of a reaction to something like... this," Bard seemed to be at a loss for words but you couldn't find it in yourself to blame him.

"It must be the shock," you retort, but Bard knew by that familiar determined glint in your eye that this simply was not the case.

This was a rather tragic event. And with Gray of all people here to witness it... this was certain that this wouldn't bode well with the Queen. But you were a Phantomhive and a plan was always sure to follow such an egregious 'tragedy'. 

"Well for God's sake, somebody remove the body, will you?" Woodley exclaimed. It was clear that panic had already started to seem into his conscious. If he wasn't careful, something dastardly just might befall him tonight as well.

"No, don't," you command, your stern gaze meeting with Finny and Mey-Rin before glancing over Sebastian's corpse once more, "This is an official crime scene. I will ask that Gray, Doyle, and the servants to stay behind. Ciel and I would like to have a word with you. We shall evaluate this together while the rests of our guests return to their rooms."

"Don't cha think the Earl's had enough for one night?" Gray sighs, his gaze trailing along the back of the boy that currently stood facing one of the windows. He had not spoken since he had been pulled away from the body of his butler. Most believed him to be silenced due to the shock of tonight's events, but you knew your brother well: he was simply planning at least two steps ahead.

"Might I remind you that he's not a child, Charles. He has a right to be here as much as the rest of us," a small, knowing smirk crossed Gray's lips and he decided right then and there that he certainly would, in fact, appreciate your company. 

"Very well, as the lady wishes," he bowed deeply, a playful smirk pulling at his lips as his silver eyes met your own.

'This man is going to make things very difficult for us if we're not careful... more so than he already has.'

The Lady of Phantomhive; Ciel's Sister {Sebastian x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now