[13] Smile

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"So would you care to explain just how you managed for us to become a part of the circus?!" Ciel growls through clenched teeth, balling his gloved hands into fists. Sebastian on the other hand, seemingly unaffected by the young earl's harsh tone, merely bows his head as he readjusts the silky white glove covering his hand. 

"Well," Sebastian starts.


"Righty," Joker announces as he leads Sebastian through the maze of tents, cages, and hardworking performers readying for a restful night. "This way."

Sebastian could easily make out the suspicious and curious looks that were thrown in his direction by the other circus members as they weaved through the dirt trails between tents lit by small candles whose light flickered in the slightest of breezes, causing shadows to dance freely about the ground beneath his feet. 

"Sorry it's so dirty." Joker apologizes with a hardy laugh, his voice causing Sebastian to turn to him with a humble smile. "Watch yer step." He calls out, turning the corner of one of the tents.

"Oh snake! If doc in the first aid tent?" Joker asks the white-haired snake dancer from only minutes before. Sebastian watches as a snake currently resting itself upon Snake's slender shoulders lifts its tail in the air as if to point at something. 

"I see... he's on business, huh..." Joker sighs, scratching the back of his head with his walking stick.

"Hey, isn't that the guy who got bit by the tiger?" A voice from behind Sebastian whispers. "It really is. The stupid guy." Sebastian turns to see the two trapeze artists from before, Peter and Wendy, chuckling in the shadows behind a nearby tent. It was Joker's voice that turned Sebastian's head.

"Ah, here he is." Joker announces, throwing open the flaps of one of the larger nearby tents. "Doc!" 

A man with dark, curly hair, dressed in a long white coat sat in a wheelchair crouched over what looks to be a wooden limb. You can make out Dagger's figure over the man's shoulder as he looks up at Joker's arrival.

"Hey Joker. Is there something wrong with your arm again?" Doc asks with a smile as he turns the chair around.

"No. Nothing t'do with me today..." Joker, scratching the back of his head.

"I was wondering who that was, but isn't it the man whose head was bitten by Betty?" Dagger questions plainly. 

"By Betty?!" The Doctor shouts out. "That's terrible! We have to get you to the medical office quickly." He declares urgently.

"It was merely a play-bite." Sebastian smiles after as the doctor continues to look over his head.

"Big sis!" An excited voice cries out and everyone turns their head to the ecstatic blond and passed him to the now-opened flap of the tent. A woman stands within the opening and Sebastian immediately recognizes her as the tiger trainer from before.

"You!" she starts angrily, storming passed Dagger before coming to a halt right in front of Sebastian. "You're that bloak from earlier!" she points an accusing finger at him. Sebastian merely tilts his head in response. "Thanks to you, our show was-"

"He is here for a medical examination." the doctor sternly interjects. The woman turns to look at him and her mouth falls open. "If I'm correct, his possibility for injury was due to your inability to control Betty. Now Beast, please, " he continues. Sebastian takes this advantage to look over the woman now known as Beast. From her scandalous dress that stood out so greatly against her fair skin, he couldn't help but notice her pouting breasts and plump lips painted in such an attractive red. A small smirk makes its way onto his face as he takes note of her reddening cheeks.

The Lady of Phantomhive; Ciel's Sister {Sebastian x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now