1 | My Little Lord

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Just the basics before we start

(y/n) your name

(m/n) middle name (optional)

(h/c)~ hair color

(h/l) hair length

(h/t) hair type/texture

(e/c)~eye color


You look up from your hands and out of the large window in front of you. You subconsciously begin to rub your hands as they start to tingle from where your finger nails have left small, red, crescent shaped marks on your soft, small hands. You're nervous. No. Beyond nervous. You have known that you mother was pregnant and that the baby was due soon, and you realized now that it did hurt to have to give birth to a child in the 18th century, but why it put so much stress on you, you had no idea.

A small gasp leaves your plump lips as you hear your mothers shouts of pain from the room next to you and you began to bite your lip as what ifs run through your mind.

'What if something happens? What if the baby is hurt? What if something happens to mother?!'

As many other thoughts occur, you finally reach your last and most feared.

'What if mom doesn't-'

"(Y/n)?" You lift your head up to the sound of the oh-so familiar voice.

"Daddy?" You shout as you run to him and grab onto his legs as if your life depended on it.

"My, my, what's wrong, flower?" Vincent asks as he lifts you from his leg so he could now see you face to face. To be honest, you didn't even realize that you were crying until a warm hand caressed your face, wiping away a freshly fallen tear.

"What's wrong, dear? You seem even more nervous than your mother." He says with a small chuckle that vibrates in his chest, making you relax a little.

"Daddy," you say again. "Is mommy ok? I heard her shout and I got scared. What would happened if mommy-!" You started as another group of tears began to fall from your eyes.

Vincent chuckles before replying. "Don't worry, sweetie. Mom is perfectly fine. In fact, it's all done." You look up with large eyes.

"Really!? Mommy's ok? Can I go and see? Pleeeease?" You beg and Vincent smiles once again.

"Of course you can. Just be quiet ok? Your mom is tired and the baby is sleeping." You nod as you grab his hand and drag him through the door next to where you were sitting.

    You enter your parents bedroom and see your mom laying on a bed covered with fresh sheets.

'I wonder why? We just had them changed yesterday' You wondered silently.

"(Y/n)?" You hear mother's calming, melodic voice and quickly running up to her, almost tackling her in a hug before remembering what your dad had just told you. Instead you walk to her side and hug her gently.

"It's ok, flower, you don't need to be that gentle." She chuckles. You smile and move onto the bed, sitting next to her. You notice how tired she looks, but how she still has a bright light in her eyes, full of life and love.

'I can't take it any longer! I want to see him!' You begin to get antsy as you look at your mom and watch her she smile up at your dad and give him a kiss.

"Ewww." You say playfully. They pull away and laugh with you, knowing you're only joking.

After a blissful moment of peaceful silence and asking mom if she's really alright, she looks over at you with a small smile.

"(Y/n), would you like to hold him?" She asks. You nod quickly and jump up from the bed, before taking your father's hand and following him over to where your butler, Tanaka was holding a small bundle.

"Just be gentle, he's still asleep." Tanaka says with a large smile. You had never seen Tanaka smile like this before, just the thought made you giggle. The man bent down and handed you something wrapped in a small, blue blanket. You carefully took it and hold it close to your chest, just as you remember your mommy telling so many months ago.

    The bundle is warm and soft. Light, but delicate. And it smelt amazing, like pure innocence in a field of flowers. You looked down and the face that you saw made your heart melt. It was your little brother that you were told so much about. How he would kick. How mother and father would tell him stories at night and sing him songs. How they slaved away thinking of the perfect name for him. He began to shift in your arms as a small groan escaped his light pink lips. Hearing this made you giggle and the newborn in your arms began to open his eyes. He didn't cry, nor did he make a sound when he saw you, he simply looked into your eyes as you stared into his. Blue eyes. Like a sapphire. So full of life. Just like yours.

"He's eyes are so pretty. They're like your ring daddy." You almost whisper. Although your back is facing them, you can hear them both chuckle.

"(Y/n), look out the window."

You do as you father says and you are met with the most beautiful blue sky you have never seen. That brilliant blue, just like your baby brother's eyes.

"What are you going to name him?" You ask them, turning to face your parents.

"Well, we were thinking-" Your mother starts, holding her husband's hand as she rests her head on his shoulder.

"Ciel. Ciel Phantomhive." Vincent finishes.

"Ciel. That's french for sky right?" You question, remembering all of the time you spent in French lessons.

"That it is, my little flower." Your father says.

"That's perfect." You say walking to your parents where you are then embraced in a family group hug. You had never felt more happy, more at home, more at peace then that moment. You were a little upset when you found out that you would no longer be the center of attention in the family, but then again what three year old wouldn't be?

***Mini Timeskip***

It's now night. Your mother is out of bed and your parents have just put Ciel in his crib.

"Alright (Y/n), let's get you to bed now. It's way past your bedtime." Vincent says.

Yawning, you nod your head in agreement. "Just one second, I want to say goodnight to Ciel first." Your father nods and you re-enter the nursery.

Ciel. How you loved that name, how it rolled off your tongue. Just the name itself was perfect. You walk over to the now sleeping child's crib and look as his sleeping face.

"I may not have liked this idea a few hours ago, but now I couldn't ever let you go. I think I kind've like you." You whisper, stroking his cheek lightly.

"I love you, Ciel. Sleep tight, My Little Lord." you say before kissing his head and walking out of the room to follow your parents to yours.

You change into your nightdress and jump under the covers, your parents tucking you in as usual.

Everything seemed perfect. So happy, so peaceful.

If only the fire never started.


Yay! First chapter! Not as long as my others but it'll get there.

I started this story a while ago and didn't finish it yet so it's still a work in progress.

I'm mainly following the manga for this one so if you haven't read it then some chapters may not make sense but if you have then I hope you enjoy!

Please feel free to leave suggestions and ideas about what you might like to see happen in the future.

Till next time, mon amis!

The Lady of Phantomhive; Ciel's Sister {Sebastian x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now