[16] Deeds of a Demon

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You felt a chilling breeze ghost across your skin as the morning greets you. You roll onto your side, not yet ready to leave the warm comforts of your bed.

'When we return back to the manor, I won't be leaving my bed for days...' you let out a heavy sigh as you feel a stray spring from within your thin mattress dig into your back.

Your bed alone had left you with countless bruises along your back and legs and it left you astounded at how the majority of England was forced to do this every night.

You open an eye, letting it adjust to the darkness that still filled the tent.

'It must be early morning.' you listen for any sign that Beast might be up, as it was your usual indicator to start your day, but her breaths fell in a slow, even rhythm that meant she was still asleep.

You sat up, rubbing away the sleep from your eyes before letting your feet touch the floor. You half expected your feet to be greeted by the thick, wooly carpet of your bedchamber and that this was all a just a bad dream. But instead, they touched a cool dirt floor.

You let out a silent sigh before slipping on your shoes and combing your fingers through your hair. Your back aches for a warm bath that you remember you wouldn't be getting in a long time.

'They have to have some way to bathe here.' The thought occurs to you and you realize you've never heard or seen anyone mention it.

You rose to your feet before deciding you might as well find the place. You wanted to go for a walk anyway and by the looks of how dark it still was, you would have a few hours before the rest of the troop began waking up.

You reached for the tattered spare coat that Beast had lent you and put it on, sliding your hands into the pockets to keep them somewhat warm.

As you walk amongst the circus grounds, the realization that you're alone hits you. Of course you were surrounded by dozens of seemingly-kind strangers, but they would all most certainly choose their life over yours in an instance. Ciel was most definitely asleep and Sebastian wasn't by your side.

'Sebastian...' memories of last nights events creep into your mind like a spider up a wall.

You bring a hand to your lips, letting your mind wander as you remember what Joker's felt like.

It all seemed like it was so long ago. Like it had never really happened. Yet it only a few hours before now that the event had taken place.

You didn't feel guilty. At least you didn't think you did... Sebastian wasn't yours and you weren't his. He had no right getting upset. You had kissed Joker because you wanted to. But... why did you want to? Your butler was right, you didn't know him. So how could you possibly love him?

Your mind races as you continue to let your feet guide you until they stop suddenly in front of a tent you hadn't seen before.

You wanted to keep moving, but a quiet voice, no louder than a whisper had caught your attention.

You stepped closer to the tent, letting your curiosity take over as you strained to keep along with the voice.

"Who would be up at this hour?" you thought to yourself.

" 'Who's there?' calls Emily," the voice from inside responds.

You quickly throw a hand over your mouth.

'Did I... did I say that out loud?' you wonder as you start to hear footsteps from inside the tent.

You hold your breath as they stop right in front of you, the only thing now between you and their owner being the thick fabric of the tent.

The Lady of Phantomhive; Ciel's Sister {Sebastian x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now