[4] Jack The Ripper

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***Three Years Later***

You lay in your large bed, plush sheets and pillows surrounding your body. Your eyelids, too heavy to open due to the lack of sleep from last night. It may have been three years ago, but memories from those months keep haunting your sleep, and although you didn't show it, it was wearing you out slowly. Any minute your butler of three years now would walk through your bedroom doors and awaken you for your day full of lessons and paperwork. 

You then hear the click of the doorknob and the soft padding of Sebastian's feet as he glides to your windows and opens the curtains. 

'Speak of the devil and he shall appear.'

"Mistress, it's time to awaken and meet the day." His soft voices reaches your ears and you suddenly gain enough energy to open your eyes, just a little. 

"Why bother?" You moan, turning your back toward him. "Just another day of the same old routine." You mumble into your pillow. 

"But My Lady," Even though you are no longer facing him, you can hear the smirk in his voice. "Lady Elizabeth has already arrived." Hearing that statement, you scrambled to your feet as fast as you could, while doing so, tangling your feet in the sheets and almost face planting into the floor, before your ever so helpful butler caught you by the arms. You glared up at his smirking face. 

"Elizabeth isn't here, is she?" You ask as he sets you back on the bed and untangles your feet.

"Of course not, although it wouldn't surprise me." He admits, lowering his voice on the last part, which made you smirk at his comment. 

"Well, now that I'm up, could you at least tell me what's for breakfast?" You groan, standing up and brushing yourself off. 

"Would it make a difference if I told you that it wasn't the floor?" Sebastian playfully smirks as you begin to 'pout'. 

"All the difference. Now I am no longer hungry." 

Sebastian chuckles as he walks over to your closet and pulls out a (f/c), simple dress with black knee high boots and short white gloves to match. 

"Well, I believe you will find out once you join the young master and myself in the dinning hall." He bows at the waist after laying down your dress and walking over to the door. Before he leaves, he looks over his shoulder with another smirk. 

"Do you require assistance?" He teases, his eyes glancing between your dress and your nightgown you were currently wearing. 

"No, I believe I can manage." You insist with a curt nod. He bows once more and leaves you to dress yourself.

Once you finished dressing, you exit your room to see Sebastian waiting patiently in the hallway. He bows and leads you down the hallway to the dining room. After a short walk to the dining hall, you were escorted to your seat and served a delicious breakfast of pouched salmon with a side of mint salad, a cup of Darjeeling, and a croissant to accompany it. After eating in silence for a couple minutes, Ciel finally speaks up. 

"We received a note from the queen earlier this morning." He states, taking another bite of his salmon. 

"Another mission?" You question, mildly interested. 

"Yes, a series of murders happening in London. All of the victims seem to be prostitutes." He says, now looking you in the eye. 

"Hmm, interesting. Is there anything else I should know before we start?" You inquire. 

"Yes, they're calling the murderer Jack the Ripper." He states, sipping his tea. 

You place your silverware on your plate signaling that you were finished. You laughed quietly as Sebastian came to retrieve the plate. 

The Lady of Phantomhive; Ciel's Sister {Sebastian x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now