[7] Sweet Dreams

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That night, after you went to sleep, you had a dream. I guess that I should say it was more of a memory than a dream. 

The dream began with you opening your eyes to see your new butler, newly named Sebastian standing in front of you, awaiting orders with his demonic smirk you've come to fathom about... for some reason.

You, still holding your brother close to your small frame, both dressed in bloodied rags and covered in cuts and bruises, decided to visit the hospital that your Aunt worked. It took you some time, most of it consisting of you leading your new butler around, looking for some sign of where you were while your carried your brother on your back, his limbs wrapped around your torso like a little koala. you found is charming and very much like him at the time, but if you were to mention it now he would probably turn red and attempt to ignore any other approach on the topic.

At last you were able to at least find her. You were just making your way through the front doors of the hospital, gaining many suspicious and surprised looks from others around you before she spotted the two of you, your butler trailing not too far behind. She ran to you and enveloped you in the most intense hug you've ever been in. Tears streamed out of her beautifully red eyes as she stumbled over her own words, looking you over and thanking the lords above that you were okay.

 It was then that you heard another voice come from behind her. It seemed frail and weak, but filled with determination. You turned to see your previous butler, Tanaka seated in a wheelchair, bandages and the hospital robe he was wearing covering a large percent of him. You felt so relieved that he survived, and so grateful that he had saved you. He seemed to return those feelings as he hugged you back, tears watering both of your eyes. Ciel was happy too. It was the first time you had seen him smile in months and, though it was a small one, you'd give anything to see that look of happiness in his eyes again. 

Then, in a blur of color the dream switched to a far more dismal atmosphere. You found yourself somewhere you haven't been in ages, the grave of your parents. That was the first and last time Sebastian had ever heard either one of you call your parents mother and father. It was as if you wished to bury the words there beside them and he knew this. He was a demon after all, perceptive to far more than he'd let on about and personal privacy was not something he seemed to be too familiar with or at least have the humane decency to acknowledge. The sky above you was grey, as was the air around you. Perhaps it was the density of the sadness that laid on your hearts, or maybe it was the cloud of fog that seemed to have come out of now where.

Another blur of color and you were at the ruins of you house. Although the fire was so long ago, you could still smell the damped ash that laid on the ground, now covering your feet as you shuffled through the ruins, remapping the entire layout of your house in your head as you walked, almost in a trance.

You remember, it was just then that something bright caught the corner of your eye.  It was something on Ciel's finger. Ah, yes... you father's ring. Your lip quivered and you felt a lump form in your throat as you remembered just how the two of you acquired that ring. But no, you would not cry. For a lady never cries and you were going to be the perfect young lady. Just like mother and father had always wanted. No matter what, you would not let them down.

Just as you crossed what used to be the threshold of your father's study, you stepped on something hard, hearing a slight crack. You gasp quietly, pulling your foot away from the splinted wood only for something new to catch your eye. Your mother's amulet. Oh how you loved that necklace, the stone in the center was made of the same beautiful stone found on her husband's ring and you had always admired it. How she wore it with everything, how it always shone so brightly. You had always wanted the necklace when your time for it came, and I guess that now would be... better than ever. You picked it up and examined it in shock. How was it all still in once piece? Not even a scratch! It looked as if nothing had ever happened to it. Fortunately for him, you were unaware of the smirk Sebastian gave you as he stared at you from a few meters behind. He was quite proud of his handy work. From then on, you constantly wore it, even in sleep, right at this moment.

The Lady of Phantomhive; Ciel's Sister {Sebastian x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now