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"Ren, go ahead I'll be right there." Eris nodded at Ren who looked curiously at her but nodded and walked off.

"Come with me." Four said, leading her to an empty hallway before turning around and scanning her up and down. "What happened to you?" he said worriedly, his big brother instinct kicking in.

"You know what happened. And don't touch me, I don't want your pity or empathy. You gave up the right to care for me the moment you chose Dauntless and didn't tell me." Eris said angrily.

"Eris I'm sorry I left, I had to get out of there. I'm sorry I left you. I went though it too, and we didn't deserve it.¨ Four said truthfully

"No Four, you don't get to tell me about what pain and suffering we went through. Because whatever you suffered I suffered tenfold. Father always went easy on you, you were his firstborn son, his SON FOUR! I was the lazy daughter who did nothing right, I was the mistake. When you left I almost died! And all I could think of was 'Where is my brother, I need him.'" Eris said, tears streaming down her face.

"I needed you. So bad.. But where were you?! When he'd come home drunk off his ass sometimes with a woman and he didn't care, oh! Or what about that time he was so drunk he tried to rip my clothes off just like another whore he could fuck! Where were you!?" She cried.

Four looked at her briefly, "Eris..-"

"And I couldn't wait to join you, to get away from him but the moment I see you all you say is 'Name?' like I wasn't the sister you abandoned. But that's okay, I'm used to that feeling, that crushing heartbreak." Eris cried, her voice cracking.

Eric came around the corner, alerted by the sound of shouting, "Hey what's happening here?" He questioned, frowning slightly.

"Nothing." Eris spat, glaring at Four, tears still streaming down her face. Her red-hot anger and frustration cooling into a freezing, numbing pain and resentment. "I was just leaving." She said turning away from them both and running down the hall towards the cafeteria, wiping her tears away as she ran.


It was after midnight when Eris found herself sitting on the edge of the chasm, not to kill herself but just to clear her head. The water raged so loud she couldn't even hear her own thoughts as hot tears fell from her eyes. But she didn't feel sad, just numb.

"Do you want to fall and die?" Eric asked from behind her.

Eris shot to her feet and backed up away from him, fear flashing through her eyes before she realized it was Eric. "Why do you always sneak up on me?" Eris asked as she wiped the tears from her face quickly.

"Why do you make it so easy?" He asked leaning against the rock wall. "Also answer my question."

"I don't try to make it easy and no I'm not trying to die." Eris said, rolling her eyes slightly.

Eric sighed, "Are you.. Okay?" he asked hesitantly. "Your little fight with Four seemed pretty nasty. Did he hurt you?"

"No of course not, he'd never intentionally hurt me." She mumbles, "Sorry about that by the way. How much of it did you hear?" She asked, looking at him.

"Just bits and pieces, mostly about your father." Eric said quietly. "Did Four know what was happening when you were in Abnegation together?" He asked, meeting her gaze.

"You could say that." She nodded.

"I understand if you don't want to talk about it. You should probably get to bed anyways." Eric said, bringing her over to him as they walked towards her group quarters.

"Thanks, Eric." She said, exhaustion grabbing hold of her body as they walked. Eris leaned against him slightly as they walked, "Everyone thinks you're just mean, but I think there's more to you." She murmured tiredly when they got to her quarters.

"Goodnight Eris." He said smiling ever so slightly.

"Goodnight Eric." She said before closing the door to the room.

So this chapter is smaller but you get a bit more eric-oc bonding time and family drama

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