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By the time everyone had gotten back to the compound, midnight had fallen. Bright stars laced the sky as the moon shone full in the sky. Most of the initiates had gone straight to bed but Eris was still fizzing with excitement about her win.

"Ren you don't understand how cool I am, I scaled a Ferris wheel and then ran along the thin bar and took down all of your teammates, it was awesome!" Eris said breathlessly.

"Eris, I am very proud of you but I am also exhausted and Four told me that he'd protect me so I have to go dream about that and you smell bad. So let's talk in the morning when we have energy and you've showered." Ren said, rubbing the dark circles under her eyes.

"Oh," Eris nodded, "Sure, yeah," she mumbled as Ren walked into their room.

"She's right, you stink," A voice called from behind her.

Eris turned around to see Eric leaning on the wall behind her, "Mean," she huffed.

"Why don't you shower in the one you have in your room?" He asked

"Oh you mean the communal room that all the initiates are in?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at him, "Because whenever any girl showers in there all the boys can't take their eyes off her, they immediately have that look of possession in their eyes. I'd have better luck bathing in a river." Eris sighed, 'oh and also I don't want anyone to comment on the scars that decorate my body' she thought to herself.

"Fair enough," Eric shrugged, trying to hide the fact that other guys looking at Eris like an object infuriated him, "Would you like to shower in my room? It has walls and a door for privacy," he said in a light tone.

"Really? I'd love to," She said smiling gratefully.


"I left a towel and some of my clothes in there for when you're done," Eric said walking out of the bathroom.

"Thank you," Eris said gratefully before slipping into the bathroom and closing the door behind her.

She walked over to the mirror and sighed, her dark hair was tangled and dirt smudges covered her face. Her vision flashed and memory flooded in.

She'd walked into Marcus' house with dirt on her shoes and dress, a big mistake.

"Dirty bitch!" He screamed, punching her in the cheek. She dropped to the ground, pain lancing her face, "Go fucking clean yourself, you got dirt on my floors." He snapped walking away to grab another beer.

Eris breathed deeply, turning the water as cold as it could go, letting the water rinse herself. She put her head down, watching the dirt flow into the drain for a bit before grabbing the soap to wash her hair. She sighed softly as the water hit her head, washing the soap and dirt away.

Shaking her head slightly she started to scrub her body until it was red, trying to wash away the scars and the memories that haunted her. After letting the cool water run over her body for a bit she felt better, she turned it off and stepped out, grabbing the towel to dry herself. She grabbed the black long sleeved top he'd left for her and slipped it over herself. It fell about mid thigh and the sleeves passed her fingertips but it was comfortable and smelled like him. She put on a pair of shorts and dried her hair as best she could with the towel and opened the door to the bathroom, walking out.

Eric was sitting on his bed reading a book Eris had never seen. When he saw her he immediately closed the book and moved to the edge of the bed to greet her, "How was it?" He asked, looking up at her.

"Lovely, my favorite part was the cold water and privacy, I think I'm in love with your shower." She said happily, flopping on his bed.

"Is that so," He laughed, lying back on his bed and turning his head to her, "Wait, did you say cold water? Do you take cold showers?" He paused, sounding offended.

"Yeah, something about the heat gives me the icks," She shrugged, turning to face him.

"Hmm," He breathed out, "I guess I'll have to get used to cold showers then," He said half-joking.

Eris burst out laughing and punched him in the shoulder, hard.

"Ow!" He laughed, grabbing her hands softly and pinning them to her sides. She quickly freed her hands and rolled over, straddling him to hold his hands tight above his head, her nose almost touching his. Her heart pounded as she realized how close she was to him, she froze for a second, her mind racing.

Eric saw her freeze up and a look of worry crossed him, "I'm sorry, are you uncomfortable, I-" he started when Eris cut him off, "No it's fine, I'll tell you if somethings going on, I trust you." She said, exhaling softly, "Besides, I like where I am," She said coyly.

Eric nodded, part of him was worried about her but he knew she would tell him if he'd gone too far. He smirked slightly at her last words, moving his hands out of her grasp, placing them on her waist and pulling her closer to him.

She looked at him innocently, her gaze darting down to his lips and back up, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

"Eric!" Loud pounding on Eric's door interrupted them, causing Eris to jump away from him, "Eric! Open up I have something to say!" Someone called from outside the door.

"Jesus, it's Four," Eric groaned, sitting up and going over to the door.

Eris flopped back onto his bed, sighing slightly. She had no idea what she was doing with Eric, what she was getting into or how she'd feel about it and it scared her. She was pulled out of thought by the sound of Fours raised voice.

"Wait, do you have a girl in there?" She heard Four said giddily.

"No I don't," Eric replied crossly.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I came in," Four said, pushing inside his apartment to see Eris sitting on his bed, "O-oh my god, really?!"

Okay this chapter is hella short but forgive me I'm in a writers block but don't worry I'll figure it out, take care y'all ♥️

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