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"Can we do anything to help you?" Eric asked, glancing at Four, choosing to ignore how close Four was sitting to her.

Four noticed this immediately and scooted closer to Eris, who was irritated with her brother's sudden immaturity.

"What do you want Four," Eris asked, trying to scoot away from Four but he put his arm around her shoulders.

Eric tensed, looking down at the apple in his hands. Four smiled slightly, realizing how much this bothered him.

"No, I was just checking in on my favorite initiate," He said smiling brightly at Eris who rolled her eyes.

"And I was just talking to my favorite instructor, why are you here Four?" Eris grumbled.

"Favorite instructor? Him? Ouch, I thought I was your favorite instructor," Four said, a look of mock sadness on his face, "Anyways I just came here to tell you, well not you," Four said nudging Eris next to him, "But you," He said motioning to Eric, "That I will be taking point on this next training activity." He said, giving a slight smile.

"Wait, why would you be taking point on this next training activity?" Eric questioned.

"Because I want to and I'm going to because every time you do it it's boring and no one, me, has fun. Besides, I wanna show Eris how to have some fun here." Four said, smirking at Eric.

"Fine," Eric said stiffly, he glanced at the clock in the cafeteria. "Speaking of, let's go or we'll miss the train." He said standing up and motioning for Eris to follow him. Eris got up and followed Eric, shooting a dirty glare at her brother before continuing to walk side by side with Eric.

"I'll get the initiates and meet you there." Four called out to them.


"Sorry about him," Eris apologized after they were out of the cafeteria.

"Hey don't apologize for him, besides it's fine. He loves to bother me." Eric replied.

"I guess we have that in common then." Eris said, smiling at him, "So what are we doing tonight?" She asked, her shoulder brushing against his arm as they walked.

"Tonight? Oh- for training," he said awkwardly, "Just a fun little game, I think you'll like it." He said looking over at her, a small smile tugged at his lips.

"I already can't wait." She said cheerfully as they walked out to the train tracks where a few initiates and Four were standing on a train car. Eric jumped up and offered a hand to Eris to help her up while more initiates ran over to the train car.

"I could've gotten up on my own," Eris said, nudging Eric with her shoulder.

"I know, I just wanted to help you. And yes I know you don't need it." He said showing her a small smile before walking over to Four and leaving her with her friends.

Ren and Jasper made their way over glancing at Eric before turning to their friend, "So... You and Eric huh?" Ren said, bubbling with excitement.

Eris rolled her eyes and rubbed her temple, "No Ren we're just friends."

"Oh bullshit, you and Jasper are just friends, no offense Jasper. But you and Eric, ooh that's the endgame." She said smiling.

"Yeah like you and Four?" Eris shot back, a small smile on her face. She looked over at Jasper for backup but he was busy looking anywhere but her face. A look of unknown emotion troubled his features.

Ren blushed slightly, "Don't change the subject." She huffed.

"Alright listen up initiates. Four will be taking the lead on this training exercise so pay attention to him." Eric said loudly, his voice reverberating through the train car.

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