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"Oh shit." She muttered darkly


"Hey, look on the bright side, at least you're fighting last..." Ren said, obviously trying to cheer her up.

"Yeah," Eris said absentmindedly. She was looking over at Jasper who was clearly lost in thought.

"He's a great fighter but I mean you're better, it's not like he's going to drop to the bottom of the rankings." Ren continued on.

"Let's think about this when the time comes," Eris said, snapping back to reality, "you're fighting fifth so let's go warm up and get some last minute practice." She said, already moving towards the punching bags.

"Okay then," Ren said, knowing Eris needed to get her mind off of fighting one of her friends.


Eris had lost track of time, she had remembered wishing Ren good luck for her fight and about ten minutes later Ren had come back with a black eye and a big smile.

Her heart pounded as she walked over to the arena with Ren. She glanced over at Eric who was talking with Four about the fight going on between Thompson and Lex. Eris hadn't known much about either of them well but they were both dauntless born and definite risk takers when it came to everything they did and their fight proved it. They were both fighting with unpredictable yet graceful technique, watching them fight was amazing. She watched as Lex dodged a wicked blow from Thompson and slammed his elbows down on the other man's back, knocking the air from his lungs and grabbing his shoulders before slamming him into the mat. Thompson lie on the mat, admitting defeat as his breath shuddered from his body.

Four nodded congratulations to Lex before Eric announced him the winner.

"Last fighters!" Four called loudly, Eris' attention flicking to her brother before across the arena where Jasper had just finished wrapping his knuckles and stepped in.

"Go, good luck, you'll kill it." Ren said, pushing Eris forwards.

Eris nodded, calming her heart before stepping into the ring. She took a deep breath, exhaling slowly as she remembered what Four had told her a few days ago.

"When you fight you need to concentrate, think precisely. Know what you want to do before you do it, don't worry about anything going on outside of the fight. Watch your opponent's body language and expect anything," He had said to her.

She made eye contact with Jasper, throwing him a friendly smile which he returned reluctantly.

"Don't think I'll go easy on you." He said stiffly.

"I don't," she replied, her eyes zoning onto his body language as her brother taught her, examining his stance.

The sound of Eric's voice announcing the start of the fight faded into the background as Jasper lunged forwards throwing a punch at her head. Eris dodged easily, countering with a few sharp punches to his side. Jasper huffed in pain before swinging his arm back in a vicious backhand, catching her on the cheek. She stumbled backwards, not fast enough to dodge an uppercut straight to the chin, causing her to bite her tongue. She caught herself before she fell, her jaw aching as sharp pain ran up her cheek.

Eris spat the blood out of her mouth, before quickly assaulting his face with a mirage of punches. He managed to block a few as Eris took advantage of his unguarded body and pushed forwards, kicking him in the ribs with her foot. He groaned in pain and dropped his hands to hold his chest. She smirked, slamming her fist into his now unguarded face. Jasper yelled out in pain, he charged her, managing to yank her into a chokehold. He tightened his grip against her throat, compressing as hard as he could. Eris attempted to strike out at him but failed, her vision growing hazy as he choked her.

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