chapter 4

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Im guessing I accidentally published part of this chapter before I finished it. But its done now except for going back and editing it, honestly i have no idea if or when I'll have time to edit. But I hope you guys enjoy and hope it makes sense. Anything in italics is a flashback or memory. I tried to give enough background for it to make sense in the present day.

Once Camille got home she was in her own thoughts most of the time. Miguel noticed how off she was and was starting to worry, Emily tried to get her to go out with her but Camille just stayed home unless she had to do something for work. Her thoughts and memories were starting to eat away at her. There was so much she kept from everyone around her she was tired of the secrets and the lies.

The main secret was her daughter. No one alive besides Dita, Camille and Miguel's mother knew who the father was. that was a stipulation Jose and Dita made her accept if she wanted to keep her baby. It was against their culture, their religion to have a baby out of wedlock especially as young as she was. It would taint their family name, that's all that mattered. Camille kept replaying the argument she had with her parents when she was fifteen once her mother told her father about her summer teenage romance. It was two weeks after they left the beach when she noticed her parents kept her so busy and any phone out of her reach so she finally went into his office one evening to ask permission to use the house phone.

"W-what do you mean, no? I just want to make a phone call Papí."

"What you want to call that white boy you spent your summer with." Dita snapped.


"Absolutely not. No more of this. I allowed it this summer so you weren't alone all summer but we are home now."

"Mamá por vavor." Camille whined "Prometí llamar y escribir." (Mama please. I promised to call and write.)

"¡suficiente! estás prohibido." (Enough. You are forbidden.) Dita yelled

"¡Me encanta! mamá por favor estoy suplicando. el es mi corazon." (I love him! Please mama im begging. He's my heart.)

"Eres un niño. no sabes lo que es el amor." (You are a kid you don't know what love is.) "no estarás con cualquiera. necesitas un hombre fuerte, uno que te cuide." (You will not be with just anyone, you need a strong man, one who will take care of you.) Dita told Camille.

"I dont want that. I want real love mamá. Per favor Papí. Don't do this to me its not fair." Camille said as tears ran down her face.

"Life isn't fair Mija." Jose told his daughter.

"No!" Camille yelled, she never yelled at her parents before. "You tell me I don't know what love is but I do, I DO! you don't love each other! You guys don't look at each other like Jackson looks at me and I him. You don't laugh, you dont hug, you don't touch, you don't dance, you don't kiss like we kiss each other. He loves me and I love him! Please let me be with him! Please can I please just call him."

"Mija enough!" Jose yelled slamming his hand down on the desk making Camille jump.

"Please dont do this to me." Camille sobbed "ill never forgive you, either of you. please daddy."

"Listen to what your mother told you. Go clean yourself up. I dont want to hear anything else."

Camille ran out of the office crying. She didnt talk to her parents for days. She had never been disrespectful towards her parents but she didnt care.

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