chapter 5

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EZ managed to get Jax phone number for Camille.

"You know I can see some of him in Izzy." He told Camille. "She may look just like you the Dark hair, green eyes but just from the times I've seen him she inherited some of his facials, probably some of that attitude too."

"I know. She reminds me so much of him even though they've never met. I tell her all the time and apologize that she doesn't know him. I'm going to text him, I cant ask him to talk over the phone I think I'll convince myself to hang up."

"you know if he denies her I will always be here for the both of you. You know Angel will, hell all of us. Pops says your his daughter that him and mom never had so he would kick our asses if we even thought of not being there. I think Pop would pick his princesa Izzy above all three of us though."

Camille laughed "she loves her Abuelo Felipe. She's always asking to go see him, always wants to cook for him. She gets a new toy we have to go show pop."

"I think he loves her more than he loves me and angel."

"Oh I would believe it." They both laughed.

"You know a few members from SAMCRO are coming down today. Maybe Jax will be with them. I know pop would watch Izzy so you could meet up and talk. So she's away from here and if he denied her she has no idea."

"Yeah I'm gonna go text him." Camille told him before walking outside.

Hey Jackson. This is Camille. I was wondering if there was a time we could meet and talk." Camille looked at the typed text for five minutes before she sent it. She ran back to EZ and put the phone in his hand.

"Keep that if I have it ill either watch it for a reply or break it before he replies, if he replies." Camille said taking the shot glass EZ was about to drink.

"Well I think you have a reply."

Camille grabbed the phone and opened the message so fast.

Of course Cami. Tomorrow? Lunch?"

"Oh shit. I need to ask Pop if he can watch her tomorrow around lunch. I need to go grab the meat for dinner tonight. I'm making dinner for him if you and Angel want to join. Wait shit I forgot business. Well we will eat dinner with Pop then I told Emily we would have a movie night after they go to dinner. so we will be there if you need me. Be safe EZ." She kissed his cheek and rushed to her car.

After dinner Camille wasn't surprised to see a car waiting for her and Isabela. It was such an Emily thing to do, she'd always say it's safer and let's you relax. She knew something was wrong when her driver slammed on the breaks. She grabbed her gun so fast and shot whoever opened her door without a second thought. She knew it was a friendly person by them yelling at her driver.

"Mama!" Isabella yelled.

Camille grabbed her daughter and pulled her into her lap bending around her trying to shield her.

"te quiero hija mia. siempre recuerda eso. eres mi corazón y mi vida. vas directamente a Pop, Ángel  y EZ nadie más. mi preciosa niña. mamá te ama tanto." (i love you my daughter. always remember that. you are my heart and life. you go straight to Pop, Angel and EZ no one else. my precious baby girl. mama loves you so so much.) Camille whispered in her daughters ear.

"Te amo Mamá." Isabela started to cry.

"Dont cry baby you be strong and look for a way out. Don't forget go to Pop if mama doesn't come back mí amor."

Camille knew her driver was dead and when they opened the door Isabela was sitting by they forced them out with a gun on her babies head.

"Let her go." A man said with a paper mache mask on.

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