chapter 6

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Camille couldn't eat or sleep it had been a week since they took Isabella. She wished she had left when she was pregnant then they wouldn't be target's to get to her brother. It was always the Galindo name that ruined everything first with her father and now with Miguel. Why did they have to run a cartel? She  never fully understood back then why José didn't have her go by the Galindo name, she always felt like he was ashamed of her she still did but now she knew it was to try to protect her. Atleast she hoped a part of it was protection. She kept Isabellas name as Martinez but once Dita forced her to go to college Camille herself let it be known she was a Galindo. She figured once they told Jackson about Izzy they could add Teller to her name, if they got her back, if Izzy wanted that.

Camille stayed at Angel's the first couple of days then went to Pops. She didnt want to be alone and Angel kept going out for club business so she cleaned his house floor to ceiling then went to clean Pops house and never left except to go to the shop with him.

Angel waited until EZ got to his house the night Izzy was taken to go see Adelita. He took Coco and Gilly with him, it seemed like the walk through the tunnels and drive to the camp took longer than normal. Angel had to drive to try and not lose it but once he put the truck in park he jumped out without turning it off. Coco ran to catch up with Angel while Gilly turned the truck off and caught up.

Angel stormed to the tent where Adelita and Pablo were "WHERE IS SHE?!" he roared pushing a table out of his way.

"Shes is fine, calm down." Adelita told him.

"FUCK YOU. GIVE HER TO ME!" Angel yelled getting in her face. "You don't fucking touch my family."

"Shes not here but she is safe. They will get them back when Galindo agrees to my demands."

"Bullshit I will tear this place apart to find her. Give me my daughter NOW!"

"Give us a minute." She told Pablo then looked to Coco and gilly.

She moved closer and put her hand on his cheek "I promise no harm will come to her. She will be fine and handed back once they meet our demands."

"Dont fucking try to be sweet with me damn it. Give her back tomorrow along with the baby."

"Angel shes not your daughter, Camille will never love you like I love you. It's time for you to go."

"If you actually cared you wouldn't touch her. I'm done with this you, the cause."

"No youre not. I'd hate for Galindo or the club to find out you have been helping me. We both know what would happen. Only way this keeps working out is if you keep your mouth shut. I'd hate for something to happen to any of you."

"You fucking threatening me?" He sneered down at her as his nose flared

"No I'm reminding you of how this would work out. Go home Angel. Go play house with Camille."

"Youre out of your mind. Thats my ahijada. Las dejas fuera de esto." (Goddaughter. You leave them out of this."

"No harm will come to either kid. They will be returned. Unlike the Galindo family, that includes your precious Camille, I'm not in the business of making orphans. I won't harm the child. Good night Angel."

Angel felt so guilty for working with Adelita, he refused to go across the border when she called. He began to avoid Camille since seeing her in pain made his guilt worse, he couldn't even think about what Isabella was going through or how scared she was.

"He alright?" Bishop asked ask Angel slammed his empty beer bottle on the bar and stormed outside.

"yeah. It's izzy." Coco told him trying to cover for Angel.

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