Hardy Joss Radcliff and Allison Christa Radcliff

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~Allison's POV~
I can't find him! Where is he! I kept looking for my father. There was a walker horde a few days ago and I had run off because one had found me and attacked me. He was the only thing I had left in this horrible world! I couldn't lose him, not now, not ever. I started to shiver as I got colder, holdings on to the sweater I wore. I shivered more as the sun dropped and the moon began to show. I was utterly alone, no weapons except my two throwing knives. I climbed up a tree, hoping it would give me some shelter for the night. I watched as the sun was completely gone and out of view and the big full moon shined bright, but not bright enough to break through the thick darkness. My eyes felt heavy and my limps felt like jelly. My eyes dropped and closed. As they did I felt my body being thrown off the tree and I felt a sharp pain in my right side. I yelped out in pain as I tired to stand. Struggling I finally got up and tired to climb the tree again, but to no avail. I sighed in annoyance and sat under the tree getting no rest. I began to walk again, stomach growling and eye lids heavy. Rustle rustle. I heard from behind a bush. I looked and found a group of three girls all of which were older then me. Being smaller and most likely weaker then them I began to back away from them. One, who looked to be closer to my age, began to walk towards me. Her very dark brown hair swirling in the wind and her green eyes were filled with concern. I began to tear up, afraid that they might hurt me. She came closer and...hugged me? She held me tight. "It's alright sweet heart we aren't here to hurt you. I promise." She said. I tensed up at the girl's touch, not knowing if I was safe or not. She let go and looked my very confused face. She let out a sigh and spoke up.
"I'm Ivy." She said with a welcoming smile.
"I'm Angelica but call me Angel." A girl with very long black hair said.
"And I'm Alex." A girl with long dirty blonde hair said. They all looked pretty safe so I decided to stick with them. I told them of what had happened back at the highway and they were in similar circumstances. So we decided the best corse of action was to help Ivy find her old group.
~Hardy's POV~
I couldn't find her at all! My precious little girl was now gone from me. I looked frantically but finding no sign of her. I walked and walked until my feet gave out. I felt the forest floor collide with me chest and face, causing my glasses to fall on the ground. I began to hear something, foot steps. Fearing another walker would come, I quickly stood up and began to walk again, having my gun ready and hand on my sword. The steps came closer and closer until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turned around to find a man...a human man. He had a sheriffs hat on and wore a police outfit. He had blue eyes and brown curly hair and had his gun ready to fire in case of any danger. "Who are you?" He said, moving the gun towards my head.
"M-my name is Hardy." I replied quickly. "Please I'm just looking for my daughter, have you seen her. She has blonde hair that's down to the middle of her back and has a pink sweater on and has light blue leggings with a pink skirt and she's 11." The man thought for a moment then shook his head. I let out a sigh and felt tears at the rims in the corners of my eyes. The man also sighed and put the gun back.
"We are also looking for two little girls around your daughters age. We can help you find her." The man said and put his hand out and I took it in mine and shook it. "I'm Rick. What's your daughters name?"
"Allison but she goes by Alley."

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