No More

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I fluttered my eyes open and saw Ivy still asleep she always slept in everyday even on school nights. I rolled my eyes and went to the dinning area where I was greeted by the smell of eggs. I looked to see Lori, Glenn, Jaqui, T-Dogg, and Carl. I walked over to set next to Carl. "Don't ever let me drink again!" Glenn said as he had his head in his hands. He was moaning and groaning in pain. I chuckled a little at Glenn's hangover. T-Dogg came with the eggs and put some on his plate.

"Protein helps the hangover." He said as Glenn just moaned again to say ok. Rick came out with his head hanging down.

"Do you have a hangover mom said you would." Carl said to his father. Rick chuckled.

"Ya mom is right."

"Mmm mom has a habit of saying things like that." Lori said. Everyone chuckled. But as quickly as the laughter came it ceased as Jenner came into the room.

"Um Jenner I hate to be more of a burden by asking one more thing," Dale started.

"But you will anyway."

"Well we didn't come for the eggs."


"Vi show video of TS-18." Jenner said to the computer Vi.

"Showing video of TS-18" the giant screen turned on and there lied a person. It zoomed into the brain and we saw these little lights.

"What are those?" I asked Jenner.

"That is all the memories and moments that you have had the, part that makes you unquie, it has all memories from birth to death." Jenner said to me. The person started to breathe more heavely and the brain went black and dark. "See invades the brain shutting it down along with the major organs." Jenner said.

"Is that what happened to Jim and Amy and Noah?" Sophia asked Carol. Carol nodded and repiled

"Yes sweetheart." Andrea was losing her balence and she looked like she would break down any second.

"So theres nothing left is there nothing." Andrea said. Everyone was silent. "Why did you stay if all the other doctors oppted out then why didn't you leave?" Andrea asked Jenner.

"It dosen't matter now." Jenner said.

"I'm gonna get shit face drunk again" Daryl said putting his head in his hands. I sighed in defeat, there was nothing we could do to stop this.

"Um I hate to ask another question but that clock," Dale said pointing to the clock behind us. "It's counting down what happens when it hits zero?" Dale asked a little concerned.

"The-the power in the genertors run out of fuel." Jenner said and with that he left.

"Vi what happens when the generotrs run out of fuel?" I asked the computer.

"When the genetors run out of fuel the CDC will have atomatic decontmneation." Vi said. What did decontmneation mean? Daryl, Rick, Shane, and T-Dogg went off to where the genertors were to see how much fuel was left. I walked aimlessly through the place. I ran into Ivy while doing so. "Ivy finally your awake um so Jenner said something about decontmneation, what does he mean?" I asked. She looked down and as soon as she heard me say that she said.

"I don't know." I knew her to well so I knew she was lieing.

"Ivy what does it mean?!" I kind of yelled now, I hated it when she lied to me.

"It mean this whole place will blow up!" She yelled. I widened my eyes, tears forming at the rims of them.

"What! No no no no no, how come you didn't tell me I mean that means my family and friends die and you said nothing." I stormed off into the computer area while everyone was crying and trying to open the door. Ivy caught up.

"But it won't hurt and you won't have to be eaten by those things-"

"I want to go out fighting not giving up!" I yelled at her. She stepped back. "Please Jenner give us a chance please." I begged Jenner.

"I can't open the doors wouldn't it be more humane to just hold your loved ones and wait for the clock to run out." Jenner said.

"But my daughter dosen't deserve to die like this." Carol said crying harder then I have ever seen her cry.

"LET US OUT PLEASE." I screamed at Jenner but he just shook his head. Without thinking I pulled my 380 out and aimed for Jenner's head.

"Lily!" Carl put my arm down. I couldn't hold back the tears any more and fell into Carl's arms sobbing into his shirt. "Shh Lily we'll make I promise." But I knew it wasn't true we would die right her and now. I heard Daryl scream at Jenner and Rick everybody was yelling at Jenner, even Ivy and James. Jenner finally gave in when we only had a few seconds left on the clock.

"Ivy, James come on I can't lose you guys again!" I yelled pulling their arms. Ivy came with me but James stayed where he stood. "James come on lets-"

"I don't want to." James said.

"What? Why?"

"Becasue I want you but you want someone else and I can't bare to watch you with someone else." He said compeletly serious. I knew he was stuborn so I didn't argue. Carl grabbed my arm and we ran out. We made it to a window and we were trying to break it but it wouldn't budge.

"The glass won't break." Sophia said scared.

"Wait I think I have something that will work." Carol said.

"What is it?" Rick asked. Carol toke out a gernade. Where she get that?!

"I found this in your pants when I was doing laundry." Rick toke it quickly and pulled the pin.

"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" Rick yelled. Me, Carl, Sophia, and Ivy ducked over by some tabled. Rick ran towards Lori and Carol. I heard a deafing boom and the glass was shattered into pieces. We quickly ran to the vehicles. As we killed walkers on our way we saw Andrea and Dale come out of the building. I smiled but then I heard a loud 3 2.

"GET DOWN!" I screamed to them and they heard it to when it said 1. The CDC was no more just a pile of rubble. So what do we do now?

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