I Know What You Did

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I was pacing again through the halls waiting for any news on Carl. Shane hadn't come back with Otis and we were running out of time. "Lily could you come in again for more blood." I nodded my head. I walked in and saw Carl still unconscious. I sighed. I wanted him to wake up, I want to talk to him and tell him how I truly feel. Who knows if he'll die today. I watched as Patricia inserted the needle in my skin. I watched as the blood went into the jar which was connected to a tube that went to Carl's skin. I smiled, knowing I was helping him. Then I saw his eyes slowly flutter open. "Carl!" I ran up to him once Patricia toke the needle out. He looked at me smiling then looked at his mother.
"You should have seen the deer mom, it was so pretty. It reminded me of Lily." He said looking at me at the last part. I blushed deeply. He smiled as he saw my blush, but then he's face turned serious and he started shaking.
"Carl!" Lori and I said in sync as we watched him go into a seizure.
"Don't touch him it's just a seizure. We have to let him go through it." Hershel said. Lori toke my hand and toke me away from the scene and we both started crying. I buried my face in her shirt, crying harder and harder.
I was outside with Maggie, listening to the wind. In was almost hypnotizing how peaceful it was, but that changed when I heard a car. I saw the car pull up. Out came Glenn and T-Dogg. I ran up and hugged them, its only been a day but it felt like a month.
"How is he?" Glenn asked.
"He could be better." I said in a some what depressing tone. I wanted Carl to be safe, true, but I felt like it wouldn't be so sad if he did pass on. Right i mean what if he did die, he wouldn't have to suffer. I can't believe I was even thinking this, Shane and Otis would come. They had to, they needed to. If they didn't...stop! I had to stop thinking that. I saw Amber walk over towards me with some food.
"Here, you need something to eat." I heard her say. I didn't see Amber that much so I studied her features. She had beautiful long, curly blonde hair, a stripped shirt, with the colors grey and blue, jeans that were green and blue, and a beanie. Her eyes were a beautiful emerald green. She looked about 11 or so. I toke the sandwich and ate it hungrily.
"Thanks." I said with my mouth stuffed. She giggled, and I joined in.
"If you want some more I can make you some in the kitchen. I don't get much time to hang out with other people." I nodded my head and headed towards the kitchen with her. Once we entered though I heard the roar of...THE TRUCK!!! Shane and Otis were back!!!! I ran out of the door while Amber ran with me. Shane came out of the truck limping, I looked for Otis but I didn't see him.
"Where's Otis?" I asked looking at Shane, tears already at the rims of my eyes knowing that he didn't make it. Shane looked down and shook his head. I heard Ambers sobs behind me. I didn't notice that Rick, Lori, and Hershel had come out. I looked at Amber hugging Hershel's leg.
"He-he just, we only had six rounds and he told me to keep going and that's-so I did and I looked back-" something was off, he didn't sound very traumatized, or even shocked. It sounded like he had been rehearsing this, like it was...a lie? No he couldn't have, but then again he did take aim on Rick and Rick was his best friend. Otis was a random guy who shot Carl. I studied his features closely, some parts of his hair were ripped out, scratches on his arms and legs. They looked as if they were inflicted by a human. He did didn't he?! He killed Otis! They ran inside, but I stood in the cold air, still in shock at the information. Maybe I was just finding things that didn't really happen. But the way he talked and his wounds. He had to. And now I knew it, I knew what he did.

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