Two Gone

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I yawned and stretched my arms. I looked around to see if I could spot Sophia but she was no where to be seen. Maybe she was already outside. I walked out and Carol was the first thing i saw. She popped up in my face, I fell back and fell on my butt. "Ouch." I moaned. Carol put a hand out for me.

"Sorry sweetie but just wondering have you seen Sophia I haven't seen her all morning." She said worried about her daughter.

"No actaully have you asked everyone else?" I asked she nodded her head frantically. I looked around the RV for any sign. Then I spotted it, a note on the table. I walked over to it and read it out loud while Carol was behind me listening.

"Dear everyone,

I have gone to search for Ivy if I don't come back please come looking for us both I shouldn't have gone far. I promise Lily I will bring her back.

Love, Sophia." I finshed. I looked at Carol and she started to tear up.

"B-but she-she couldn't have she wouldn't last one minute out there. Oh God my little girl is all alone right now." She sobbed. I looked at her as she fell down to the ground, her head in her hands, as she cried. I sat next to her. I rubbed her back.

"Carol it's ok you heard what she said she wouldn't go far." I cooed to make sure she would feel better but obvoiusly that wouldn't be happening any time soon. I stood up to go tell Rick. "Rick!" I yelled. No answer. "Rick!" I yelled again. He walked up to me.

"Yeah Lily?" He said.

"Sophia I think she's missing she left this note." I handed Rick the note. His eyes widened more after reading more of the note.

"It's my fault." Rick whispered under his breathe. I shook my head, he shouldn't blame himself. If anything he should blame me, I was the one who pushed her and Ivy out. I am the one who did all this.

"No it's not." I said. I looked into his eyes. "It's mine." A single tear ran down my cheek. I did all of this it was all my fault.

"No it's not Lily-" I interrupted.

"Yes it is I mean how can it not everything is my fault I first let my family die and then Noah and then Jamea and now I've failed Ivy and Sophia." I turned to tears quickly as they poured out of my eyes. I lied down on the road of the highway rocking back and forth. Its all my fault. I thought over and over as I rocked. I killed them. I did all this.

"Dad what happened. lily? Lily! LILY?!" I heard Carl's voice but it was quickly fading until I heard nothing but my own sobs filling the air. Nothing but my sobs and thoughts. You killed all of them lily now you have to live with it. My inner demon said making me fill with regret and sorrow. The inner demon made me suffer from these thoughts. I can't do this I can't keep living in regret and pain. Carl's screams finally came back and I could hear him more clearly now. I looked up at him with my big, red, puffy eyes. The tears under my eyes dried but made stains.

"Carl she's gone I did it she gone because of me." I said my voice breaking more and more at every word I said. Carl cradled me in his arms, rocking me like I was rocking myself earlier.

"Shh Lily it's OK she isn't gone because of you." He cooed. I shook my head.

"No it is my fault like James death was my fault." I cried. He cradled me more as I cried and sobbed into his shirt.

"What happened, Carl what happened to her." I heard Daryl

"She thinks Sophia ran off because of her. Hey can you help me get her in the RV." Carl said handing me to Daryl, who carried me to the RV. I cried more when I saw where me and Sophia slept. I rocked back and forth again sobbing uncontrollably. Its as if I would never stop and I would die of lack of water. I heard foot steps and saw Carl come in. He sat next to me and wore a worry look. "You OK?" He asked.

"H-how could I be." I hissed. I didn't want to be mean but I was emotional right now. Carl looked at me, hurt filling his eyes. "Carl I'm sorry please I'm so sorry." I said apologizing like crazy. I couldn't lose him. Him, Daryl, and Ivy, who is probably dead, are the only people I have left. I can't let them go.

"Lily its OK, i'm not mad or anything OK." He said, smiling weakly at me. I walked over to Carl and hugged him tightly.

"Don't ever leave me please don't ever go." I said into his shoulder.

"I will never leave even if anything happens to me I will always be with you." He whispered in my ear. "I promise."

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