My Tragic Past

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~Faiths POV~
"Are you sure its around here?" I asked James as we walked further into the woods. James sighed heavily.
"Yeah but I might have been seeing things." He said. I dragged my feet further into the woods, almost falling a few times. We stayed quiet most of the time, which I actually enjoyed. It gave me some time to think, which was nice. Time to think about my family and all the times we shared. God I missed them! But they were gone from my life forever and I couldn't change that. Never. Tears started to seep through my eyes and I quickly wiped them away but they kept coming until I completely broke down. "Faith!" James said running towards me as I lied on the forest ground crying. I started remembering the tragic night. I started rocking back and forth, crying hysterically. James was by my side in a second, his arm around me. "Faith?" I heard him say but didn't really listen. I eventually stopped crying and just sat there, emotionless. "Faith, what happened?" I sighed knowing that I would have to tell him everything that happened.
"It started like every single day. I was getting ready for school but when I went outside to feed my dog I smelled something...awful. That's when I saw my first walker ever, and I will NEVER forget that face. Half of it was just rotten muscle and flesh and the other side was just... skull. I of course screamed and ran towards my parents room and told them what I saw. My dad thought it was someone playing a joke until he saw it to. So we packed up and left. We passed SO many people who needed help but my dad he...he just kept driving and didn't stop once. On the first night my brother, Ethan, died. He was only 10. He was outside if the car playing around until one bit him in the neck and he bled to death. My brother, William, stayed by his side until... well when he came back he bit William in the arm. My dad cut off his arm but we couldn't keep alive, of course he only had limited blood seeing that he was 6. He bled to death and he also came back. So afterwards it was me, my mom, my dad, and my little baby brother Gideon. Everything was fine until we got into a group. I met a boy there who was my age and I fell for him. But then their was a walker attack and the walkers killed my mom and dad. There were no survivors except me and him and Gideon. He helped me raise him until a walker came by and when I was behind him with Gideon he got Gideon and used him to distract the walker. The walker are him alive and I watched...I..." I started to cry a little bit more. "I couldn't help him. He was only 10 months old when he died. He wasn't even a year old! Any way I hated him for doing that and I left on my own. I haven't seen him since. When I was walking I found myself in these woods." I said explaining what happened and why I had broken down. He looked with, sadness in his eyes, at me.
"I'm...I'm so sorry." He said with regret in his voice. Probably regretting he ever brought it up.
"It's ok it's not your fault. You shouldn't be saying sorry if it isn't your fault. It was kind of mine, I should have never been with him or trusted him. I-" I was cut off by him hugging me tightly.
"I'm sorry because I care about you. I don't want you to get hurt anymore." He said as he hugged me more tightly. I tensed up at the touch but hugged back. I nuzzled my head into his chest and began to cry again. For the first time in a long time I felt safe.

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