Who Do I Love?

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~Lily's POV~

"I-Ivy your...your alive and James...Oh my God." I said as I ran up to them hugging them tightly. Ivy was crying and James was laughing. "I-I can't beleive you guys made it!" I said jumping up and down.

"You thought we would die that easily." James said grining that old grin I have known since the day we met.

"Well yeah." I said earning a mock glare and mock hurt look from James I rolled my eyes and playfully punched him. I turned around to Ivy.

"You still have it." She said smiling picking up my necklace that said 'Dare', it was like our friendship thing I had one that said dare and her's said truth.

"And your's." I said picking up her's. She smiled, I always picked dare and she always picked truth so when we found these we thought 'why not' it turned into this thing when we both wore it every day never taking it off. "I missed you soooooooo much Ivy."

"I missed you to I'm glad Jenner decided to let you and your group in, where's your mom and dad and James, Daniel, and Kris?"

"They um are gone." She hugged me, she and her mom knew my family really well so I know she must be sad. "What about your mom, Jessica, and Riley are they here also." I asked relezing that I didn't see her mom and sisters. She shook her head looking down.

"They got bit, so did James' mom, dad, even Keren and David." So James' family was gone to his sister, brother, mom, and dad were all dead. I looked over towards James he nodded his head looking down, comfriming that they were dead. "I see you found Daryl." Ivy said as we all walked over to the group, Daryl had met Ivy a few times in fact she had a crush on him for two years until her mom found out. I never told Daryl, mainly because Ivy would get her feelings hurt that I betrayed her but also because Daryl loves and I mean LOVES to tease people and she dosen't really like it when people teased her, she said only me and James were alowed to.

"I also found Noah but he-" I shook my head and looked down holding the tears that threatened to spill back with all my might. Ivy hugged me. I sniffled. Carl walked over then I'm guessing to cheek up on me, he had been doing that alot lately.

"Who is this?" Carl asked looking at James then Ivy, but it looked like he didn't like James, but I could be imaging things.

"This is Ivy and James they were my best friends before all this we always hung out, Ivy is the one who gave me this." I twirled the Dare necklace that laid under my cross one. Ivy walked over to Carl and put her hand out.

"As you can tell i'm Ivy, Ivy Xleman and you are?"

"I'm Carl Grimes my dad is Rick and my mom is Lori." He seemed prefectly fine with Ivy it was James he didn't really like. "We have to go get some blood drawn." Ivy and James looked at me with worry, they knew I hated needles sometimes I just screamed and kicked.

"Oh joy." I said fakely.


"Ow.' I said as Jenner inserted the needle into my skin.

"Sorry. Well looks like you are all clear just one more to go." He said looking at Andrea for the last part. As quickly as she sat down Jenner put the needle in then out. She stood up and looked as if she was about to pass out. "Don't like needles?"

"She hasn't eaten in days." Jacqui said blancing Andrea. "None of us have."


Everyone was laughing and talking I sat next to Ivy and Carl while Sophia sat at the other side of Ivy and James at the other side of Carl. "Oh can I have some." I asked refreing to the wine. Daryl nodded his head and poured some in my cup.

"What about me mom can I have some to." Carl asked looking at his mom.

"In Italy and France they let their kids drink just a little bit of wine at dinner." Dale said trying to convince Carl's mom.

"Yes and when Carl is in Italy or France he can have some."

"Comw on what harm would it do." Rick said surprising me. Wow I never toke him as that kind of guy. Lori rolled her eyes and gave some to Carl.

"On the count of three. One, Two, Three." I said as we toke one sip of our wine and regretted asking. "EWW." We both said at the same time causeing everyone to laugh.

"Ok Lily stick to soda pop, ah but not you." Daryl said looking at Glenn at the last part.

"M-me why?"

"I wanna see how red that face of yours can get." Daryl said causeing everyone to chuckle again. I then felt a piece of paper in my hand under the table. A note? I lifted my hand to find excatly a note. It reads:

Meet me in the rec room tonight when everyone is asleep.


I looked over at James and he smiled. I shook my head and threw the piece of paper at his head. Sometimes James would flirt with me, but I always said no. I stuck my tongue out at him as he rubbed his head. Carl didn't seem to like this.

"Ok kids follow us to the rec room, Daryl do you mind if I take Lily to with me and Carol." Lori said. Daryl shook his head and Lori and Carol lead us to the rec room.


I started to feel sleepy until I held yet another note but from Carl.

Meet me in the dining area tonight please I need to talk to you.


I looked around for him but he was gone so I went to my bedroom where Ivy was. "What's that?" I vy asked looking at the note in my hand. Before I could say anything she snatched it. "Meet me in the dining area tonight please I need to talk to you from Carl." Ivy said looking at me worry and sadness in her eyes. "But what about James I thought you two had something?" she said.

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