Bathhouse Mishaps part 2

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The conclusion of the bathhouse incidents.

Akito's POV

I was at the hotel with the group. Like up north, I was with the fellas in the hot springs. It was our time before they close it off until it's the girls' turn. And we have Morgana with us this time. Again, recommending to my Metro friends.

Ryuji: Ooh...agh...Oh yeah...this place is definitely heaven.

Yusuke: The water is indeed divine. We must absorb all the healing energy we can.

Me: I feel all the baths in Japan know I was coming. It knows how to keep me relaxed. Not caring I get third degree burns.

Ryuji: Y'know, I hope Gramps is all right.

Yusuke: The man is more dependable than he seems. I'm willing to take him at his word.

Me: We need people like that in our society. I didn't join the police force for nothing.

Morgana: We may not be waiting long. Once he gets Konoe's keyword, we spring into action. So be ready at a moment's notice.

Ren: I'm always ready.

Me: So am I.

Morgana: That's the spirit. I knew I could count on you, Ren and Akito.

Ann: Wow, it's so huge. And look how it's laid out!

Yusuke: Hmm?

Me: Ann?

Haru: Could this be a mixed bath? Maybe that's why it's so empty.

Kagura: Unlike Hokkaido, the barrier here is rocks. We may have some peeping Toms so check your surroundings.

Makoto: It switches every so often. After eight o'clock, it's women only. The doors on the men's side should've automatically closed.

We got no escape! We have to take the way the girls got to the baths.

Haru: Then I guess it's all ours.

Kagura: You said it, Haru. Hot swimming pool.

Futaba: Sweet! I'm going to boil myself like an egg.

Kagura: I bet I can be hotter than you, Futaba.

Futaba: Bet, Kagura-senpai!

Ryuji: You got to be shitting me. Why the hell are they here?!

Me: It wasn't even 8pm yet.

Yusuke: We must've entered right when the time allotment switched.

Me: Glad no one switched sides of the baths as a prank. This is life or death.

Ren: We should let them know.

Yusuke: No, it's too late. They're already here.

Morgana: Calm down, boneheads. Our honor is at stake here! As noble thieves—as gentlemen—we need to vanish without a trace.

Me: Good thinking Morgana.

Morgana: Failing means certain death. Joker, Mythos, let's begin the operation.

We quietly waded through the water without making too much noise and alert the girls.

3rd person POV

While the boys were sneakily trying to escape the baths without being seen, the girls were having some relaxation in the warm waters.

Ann: Mmm, the water feels so good.

Futaba: Ahh, I could stay here forever...think I'm going to melt.

Kagura: I'm becoming one with the water.

A noise interrupts their mood.

Akito: *whisper* keep it down idiots.

Makoto: What was that just now?

Haru: Is somebody here?

The girls investigate the source of the noise. Only to find the boys reach the door and end up getting caught.

Ryuji: Ehehehehehe.

Akito: Hey ladies. We were just leaving.

Haru: Were you...peeping?

Makoto: Explain yourselves this instant!

Ann: Yeah, you pervs!

Kagura: Lowest of the low, boys. I'm disappointed.

Futaba: Double, no. Quadruple pervs!

Akito: Not you, Futaba.

The girls: Shut up!

Ryuji: It ain't what you think! See, the bath time changed right after we got in.

Yusuke: Clearly, this is all just a misunderstanding.

Kagura: I can't believe you wanted to see skin that bad, Yusuke.

Makoto: Don't stoop that low, Kagura. We want to hear from their mouths.

Morgana: Believe us, Lady Ann! We were locked in at the very last moment.

Akito: What Morgana said.

Ann was pointing at Akito.

Ann: You were sworn to uphold the law. And what do you do? Peep on us! I trusted you, Akito.

Ryuji: Right, Ren.

Akito: Tell them, man!

Ren: It's the hotel's fault.

Makoto: No excuses!

Makoto was ready to strike. Her eyes say it all.

And every one of the accused boys were all being beaten and all knocked out

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And every one of the accused boys were all being beaten and all knocked out.


The girls then leave the boys. Beaten, battered, and bruised.

Ryuji: Yup. We're in heaven all right.

Akito: Anybody get that number for that license plate?

Lesson here is: check the time and learn who gets in and out of a specific place to avoid misunderstandings.

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