Best (Worst) Valentine's Day Ever

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Warning: What you're about to see is either hilarious or scary. If you ever think of a harem, you best have a lot of time and money in your hands. And maintain your moral code if adults are in the mix.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Akito narrating: You're probably wondering how I got here. Laying down flat on the floor with our leader and my best friend. Well, it all started back on the 13th of February and ending on the 15th. This, my friends, can be one of the reasons why you should never EVER ignore the girls who are gunning for you. This is my story.


Akito's POV

I get a text from Ren saying if he's gotten any texts or phone calls from the girls. And yet, speak of the Phantom Thieves, they're flooding my phone. I message him.

Me: Give me a few minutes.

Everyone is messaging me. Ann, Haru, Futaba, Makoto, Ohya, Mifune, Takemi, Sensei, and the new girl Sumire. Holy shit. Is this how he came home from school? Man.

Ren: I'm helping out Sojiro tomorrow. So if you decide to come tomorrow, you're welcome to.

Me: I'll pass on that. I'll let Kagura know if she wants to come.

Ren: You never change, do you?

Me: I can say the same for you, wise guy.

Ren: See you tomorrow. Good night.

I turn off my phone and I went into bed. I may have triggered a domino effect.

2/14 Valentine's Day


Me and Kagura decided to surprise Ren at the cafe. Before coming here, she decided to go to another coffee place. Selling Valentine themed frappes and mochas. I hope Boss lets her drink it since most places do not allow outside food and drink.

Kagura: Hey, everyone. The infamous Kiras have arrived.

Me: Had to take a detour. How are you doing, Boss?

Boss: No dates today? I'm feeling generous for today. It's on me.

Me: What got you down in the dumps today, Ryuji?

We sit down next to him with Ren and Morgana in the other booth.

Ryuji: I got nowhere else to go.

Kagura: Dramatic much?

Boss: What's the deal here? This the pity party for the guys and girl who didn't get anything on Valentine's?

Ryuji: Cmon, lay off.

Morgana: Must suck to have no game.

Me: What you know about game? I got all the game.

Kagura: Says the one dude who ditched the girls, even the bitch.

Me: We've talked over this, Kagura. Stop calling Makoto a bitch.

Yusuke: Pardon me.

Me: Yusuke. What's up?

Kagura: Even pretty boy doesn't have a valentine?

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