standing up /expressing feelings

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A/N hey all! I'm writing this on my computer so I'm not sure how it's going to look. I'm also blasting music so there may be a few spelling mistakes... hope you enjoy it though!

y/n's pov

I was walking to my last class of the day, DADA. luckily, I have had a pretty average day. I haven't bumped into Mattheo Riddle. Mattheo loves to pick on me and make fun of me because I'm a muggle-born. I haven't done shit to him so don't know what's up his ass, narcissistic bitch.

Just as I was about to walk through the doors, Mattheo slapped the books out of my hands. "Thought you could avoid me, y/l/n?" asked Mattheo in a perky voice "well I was kinda planning on it, Riddle. but clearly you ruined it" I say with annoyance, I know that's gonna cost me." shut you damn mouth y/l/n. you filthy little mudblood" Riddle says with a stern voice. I looked at him and laughed.

"I don't give two shits of what you think of me Riddle like I couldn't less" I say with a blank expression. Riddle was at loss for words, I've never stuck up for myself until now. " actually Mattheo are you sure you're not obsessed with me or something?" I say with a curious tone in my voice. "obsessed? with what? your ugly ass? hell no" "alright so now that that's covered... leave me the fuck alone, okay?" and with that, I walked into the classroom.

Mattheo's pov

she was right. I am obsessed. I bully her because I can't express how I'm feeling, but clearly it's not getting me anywhere. fuck. I walked into class and sat at the back hoping no one would sit to me, but just to my luck Astoria Greengrass or should I say Greenass just had to sit next to me. "Hey Mattheo" she said in a seductive tone." what do you want" "Woah what's got you in a pissy mood?" she asked in annoyance "Astoria don't you have a dick to suck or something? now leave me the fuck alone" I say with a stern voice. I heard a small giggle come from y/n, it warmed my heart.

y/n's pov

holy shit that was funny. I didn't know Riddle could be funny. I glance over at him and damn he is so hot, his black curly hair, his eyes you can get lost in forever and ever.. shit y/n snap out of it, his a dickhead. ok but a hot dickhead. " miss y/l/n are you ok?" asked professor Lupin curiously. " o-oh uh i-i'm f-fine" i say stuttering. I look down embarrassed and I can just feel the smirk on Mattheo's face.

after class, I grabbed my shit and bolted out of the class. I was almost at the common room until a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a classroom. I look up and to my surprise, it was 'the' Mattheo Riddle. fuck. "I saw you staring at me in class y/n" he says in a playful tone " ok first of all how the fuck did you get up here so fast and second of all yeah I was your hot. too bad your a dickhead" I say quickly, after that I sprinted out of the class and ran all the way to the common room. I ran as fast and I could to make sure Riddle couldn't catch up. I just called him hot, shittttt.

as soon as I got to the common room I muttered the password and ran all the way to my dorm, scoring a few stares from people.

Mattheo's pov

"-your hot. too bad your a dickhead" y/n said in a fast mutter. before I could reply she ran out of the room, I just stood there taking what she just told me. dang she called me hot. I know I've got to tell her how I feel. I soon ran after her. I got to the common room, I said the password and ran all the way to her dorm. when I got there I banged on her door.

y/n's pov

I heard a bang on my door and I knew exactly who it was. I took a deep breath in and opened the door not knowing what would happen. As soon as I opened the door I felt a pair of lips on mine. Woah. I pulled away and gave him a confused look "y/n I'm really sorry I've been picking on you it's just- I like you and I didn't know how to tell you so now you know" Mattheo said in a shaky tone. I could see in his eyes he was about to run so I quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled him into a hug. "Mattheo Riddle I like you too. I've actually had a crush on you for a while I just didn't have the confidence to tell you." "really?" "yes Mattheo, really" I say with a witty tone. "well in that case... want to be my girlfriend?" Mattheo asked with a little bit of fear in his voice. "duh!" I say with a playful tone. we both hug and share a kiss.
A/N heyyy all hoped you liked this one shot! if you want to follow me on insta my account is @mrsmalfoy08__ <3 you can also dm me if you would like to request anything! thank you for reading!
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