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So rare for me to post twice in one week... I hope you enjoy cos I dont like this. like at all..
WARNINGS!!: Kissing, cussing, mentions of the DeViLs TaNgO :)
Not proof read.. you'll probably be able to tell LOL!
y/ns pov:
I felt like nothing to him. Though of course I knew deep down, that I was something to him. I was a quick fuck. To him I was that person to come running to him if he ever called. I hate to admit it, but his right.

I lie awake in my bed. 2:10 the clock read. Around this time is when i get the daily message, or should i say nightly message.

Mattheo: u up?

That damn 'u up?' seems to be the root of all my problems. It's almost like the words have a magnet attached to them, a magnet that leads back to Mattheo.

I look at the message again. Seriously considering not going. I'm sick of being some fuck buddy to Mattheo riddle. Actually no. Get rid of the buddy. He was no buddy to me. He only acknowledged my presence at night.

I thought about it a bit more and I decided to go. Not to sleep with him, but to confront him. I got to his dorm and i knock on the door. Mattheo lets out a grunt and that was my cue to come in.

He stands up and put his hand on my cheek whilst leaning in to kiss me. I give in, i couldn't help it. The feeling of his soft lips on mine have me a sense of euphoria, though the kiss itself wasn't so soft. He kissed me like it was the last time. So much passion and hunger. I was sucked in.

It took me a good 30 seconds to actually regain some type of mind consciousness, and when i did, I push him off me and he lands on the bed.

He looks at me like I have just thrown him on the floor and stomped on him." What the fuck was that for y/l/n?" " I am nothing to you, aren't I Mattheo? Absolutely nothing." I say in a salty tone." What the fuck are you on about? Of course you're nothing to me."

Ouch. I dont know what I was expecting as an answer but boy can I tell you that I wasn't expected that one. The truth is you see, I've liked Mattheo since 2nd year, but when he told me he was only interested in me sexually in 5th year, I agreed that we could be friends with benefits. Now, it's just benefits for him and being left behind for me.

I go to leave his room but I turn my head to him," good to know. Have fun with your other fuck buddies and just know, you just lost the best one of them all.". With that, I walk out.

I go back to my dorm and stare at the ceiling. I know i've done the right thing, but it still stings. I eventually close my eyes and get the best night sleep i've had in a while.

Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa if you're seeing this please remember that you are loved and make sure to give the ones you cherish a big hug today and tell them how much you love them. Time is short, live it up! YOLO! Anyways I hope you enjoyed xx
-T x

Mattheo Riddle one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now