Chapter 5- Simple, you lied

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"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." -Mark Twain 


I was lying across Asher's bed as him and his brother said their goodbyes to the last of the people. A part of me was tired and wanted to go sleep. Ash's bed was comfortable, I only had to close my eyes for a minute and I'd be out cold.

"Hey, budge up," Ash said, coming to lie down next to me. I didn't move, so he pushed me until there was enough space for him and then settled down. Instead of lying side by side, he rested his head on my stomach and grinned at me. Rolling my eyes, I brought my hand to his hair, and began playing with it.

"You guys still do that?" Blake asked obnoxiously. 

I turned to him and glared. When we were younger Ash would always lie down on the bed and I would play with his hair. He always said it felt like I was giving him a massage. I used to do it for so long that sometimes he'd fall asleep. And I guess, even though we're older now, I still do it. To be honest, I like touching his hair, it's smooth.

"He's just jealous," Ash muttered, not opening his eyes. 

Blake scoffed, " Yeah right, girls would line up and even pay to touch my hair." 

I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything. Blake and Ash shared the same likeness in their hair. Except, Blake's looked better and smoother. I, myself wouldn't mind running my hand through it, though I wouldn't admit it aloud, and certainly not to Blake.

" So kitten tell me, why is it you only hang out with my brother? Don't you have any girl-friends?" Blake asked.

I scowled at him, "Don't call me that. And who I hang out with is none of your business." 

Blake smirked, "Not girly enough for them?" He teased. I wanted to hit him in the crotch and then laugh as he writhed in pain, but I knew he'd hit me back twice as hard. He wasn't above hitting girls.

" Or maybe you just aren't attractive enough for them?" He proposed. 

I felt my insides dip, and a sudden tightening in my throat. 

Ash sat up and glared at his brother, "Shut the hell up," he said darkly. 

My eyes widened as I watched him, sure Ash would stick up for me when needed, but he's never spoken to his brother in such a cold way before. He admires and looks up to him too much. Blake pursed his lips and then grinned cruelly, realising this. 

"Whatever," he said, getting up and leaving the room.

Ash wasn't in the mood to lay back down, instead he stayed seated, his back to me. The room was silent in thought until he decided to speak, "What did you steal?"

The drastic change in topic confused me for a second, till I realised what he was referring to.

"What are you talking about?" I said innocently.

Ash turned to me. "In the game you took a sip when Blake said something about stealing from a friend. What friend? and what did you steal?"

"You saw," I didn't say it as a question, more of a statement. He had seen me take a drink when we were playing the game earlier. And here I thought only Blake had seen.

I stuttered for a second, but it was a second too long. " Just a sticker back in nursery," I said.

 Ash caught on to my lie, he knew what it was."I thought you didn't take it? Why did you lie?" He asked accusingly. 

I looked at him in confusion, " What are you-" he cut me off in anger, "The diary!"

Time seemed to slow down as I looked at the hurt expression on my best friends face. Knowing I was the one that did that to him made me feel guilty and sad. 

The diary. A small notebook, bound in brown leather, exactly 360 pages, all filled in. The diary wasn't Ash's, if that's what your thinking. It wasn't mine, or Blake's either. No, it belonged to a small petite girl, with blonde hair and blue eyes. This girl made up our three musketeers, she was the third member in our trio of best friends. Until one day, she accused me of stealing her diary and the fight got out of hand. Ash naturally took my side, defending me. If I said I didn't take it, then I didn't. Though, I don't ever remember saying I don't have it. Her name was Kristina Joycepell and she was our former best friend.

" I know that's what you were talking about. Why did you lie? and why didn't you tell me? And how did Blake find out?" Asher asked a torrent of questions, running a hand through his hair. 

I lowered my eyes to my lap and then steadily brought it back up to meet his intimidating gaze, "He saw me with it," I admitted, choosing my words carefully.

Asher grew slightly red at hearing this, "So he knew as well," he muttered under his breath. I didn't say anything. 

" Give it to me," he said. 

I shook my head, "I can't." 

I could see his form visibly shake, "And why the hell not?" 

Cringing, I replied, "Because I burnt it."

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