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"We must seek outside help," suggested Victor looking at his deputies,"Without help, we can't last long. I have a feeling Munchacha isn't giving up easily to get the Box."

"I will go and get help from Red Canyon City."  Reeves volunteered.

"How would you do that Captain? Munchacha had this stockade covered at all side." Victor looked at him.

"Leave that to me Lt. But there is something I want you to do!" Reeves smirked.

It was only four o'clock in the afternoon.

Munchacha was enjoying his afternoon tea when one of his men brought news that Victor's men were leading some horses and cattle into a pen outside the stockade to graze.

"Nyaa.. don't worry about some cattle going to graze.. just make sure none of them leave the stockade."

Munchaha dismissed his men as he ate his food. Then he turned his head towards him, saying, "By the way, give them a few warning shots just to remind them we are still here!"

"Sei Munchacha!"

His man returned to his post and together with his friend unleashed a few wild shots towards the ranchers.

"Ha ha ho ho! Look at them running like rabbits!"

While Munchacha gangs were enjoying watching the two men rushing back to the stockade like clowns; little then they knew, Reeves had already out of the stockade, crawling and hiding among the tall grasses, wooden crates and carts.

As the sun began to set, munchacha men got ready for dinner and since the stockade looked so quiet and the pen remained calm with the cattle and horses therein grazing, the sentries began to lax.

Unknown to them, one of the horses, a stallion slowly walked away from the herd and made its way to nearby stream.

Reeves who was hiding and waiting behind a huge oak tree was making a pigeon call, drawing the stallion away from pen to him.

Lt. Victor who was watching the whole incident from a hidden spot shook his head in disbelief. He had never seen a trick like that before.

As Reeves pulled the rein of his stallion away from the plying eyes of Munchacha gangs, Lt. Victor took off his hat exhaling heavily and smiling. "Captain Reeves has just passed the first test. Now let hope he can make it safely to Red Canyon City..'

"Don't worry Lt. Victor. Captain Reeves did not get his  Bars for nothing!" Chef Ress smiled as he watched Captain Reeves disappeared into tbe evening dusty breeze.

Reeves rode all night long to the City.

The bright night sky and countless twinkling stars above enable him to find his way with ease.


A hundred meters or so from the city center was a private stable owned by Mr. Lawson, a retired officer of the US 17th Calvary.

Mr. Lawson was a stable owner by profession after retirement.

When morning comes, as his custom was,  he went to the stable to feed his horses.

Then, he noticed that something was amiss that morning.

"That's strange. I am sure there were only one stallion on my stable.."

"Hello Mister Lawson!"

"Wha..what the heck!" Lawson almost dropped his bucket of podder when the voice startled him.

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