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New cast:
King William: King of Kiau Ur Country who resides in White Castle.

Stone Fort: A small but important town garrisoned by a Cohort of Royal Guards that defend the route to White Castle and to the heart land of Kiau Ur country.

Lord Eric: Lord of The Eastern Region.
Lord Mclod: Lord of The Black Creek Region.
Lord Rudick: Lord of The Stone Bay Region.

Lord Jon: Lord of The Three Rivers Region.
Lord Bruce: Lord of The Stone Fort.

Lord Jock: The Chief Commander of The Three Rivers' 3rd Cohort.

(Far) Josh: A Farmer/ nickname Small man / Commander (retired).

# Far: Special title for common people who earn the respect of the king as 'royal farmer'.

# Mer : stands for "royal merchant'

# Fis : stands for 'royal fisherman'

Warriors strength:
Unit. - 10 (8+2 warriors)
(Unit Leader)
Century - 100 (10 Units)
Cohort. - 500 (5 Centuries)
(Chief Commander)
Legion - 5, 000. (10 Cohorts)
(Prime Commander)


TIME: Late spring
PLACE: The White Castle.

King William sat on his White Throne, his huge right arm supported his weary head as he listened to his lords talking and arguing. His royal helmet sat beside him.

"Your Highness .... we must act at once before our enemies could gain superiority over our forces. Your Highness must lead us to battle again!" Lord Eric, a former Prime Commander himself, known for his bravery and craftiness paced up and down in front the throne.

His brass breastplate had dried blood stains on it as a testimony of three days fighting.

"To battle we must, Your Highness but the time isn't right now for counterstrike. Our men fought hard for three days, out numbered and are in need of refreshing." Lord Jon was one of the lords who came from the same region as King William.

His brass breastplate too bore the evidence of battle.

King William and Lord Jon were warriors during the reigned of King Solsom defending Kiau Ur Country against King Truuk of Assuria,

That was before Duke William became King William, succeeding King Solsom who was killed during a fatal engagement with the Sea Raiders.

After two years, the Sea Raiders attacked Stone Fort again and this time they prevailed.

News had been circulating around that the enemies had a mole within White Castle but King William dismissed it as rumours in order to rally the lords in defence of Kiau Ur country.

"Our warriors are in dire need of refreshing Your Highness. It is unwise for us to ride and regain Stone Fort without help from the regional dukes!" He added.

In fact riding to capture a fallen fort with only 1,000 warriors against a legion of Sea Raiders was unthinkable and sucidial. They already lost a Cohort of Royal Guards during the three days of fierce fighting.

In fact the King's Royal Guards were barely managed to escape from being cut off by their enemies during the retreat.

Once they abandoned the Fort, it came under complete control of the Sea Raiders, leaving the road to the King's Palace wide open and unguarded.

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