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It was a wise move to set sail north instead of its usual southern route which was much shorter, otherwise they could have courted disaster by going head on collision with the main Mongol invasion fleets.

It was toward evening when they caught sight of Tsushima Town with smokes covering much of its crinsom beach.

"It seems that we are late Higuchi-san." Sato-san lamented over the dire condition of the town they loved so much.

"Maybe but maybe not. Look! It least, Masanori-sama did leave something behind for us to play with!"

From the vintage point, partly hidden by rocky cape, Higuchi hid his ship and watched hundreds of Mongol invasion ships departed for Iki Island prior to their prime destination, Kyushu Island.

"I hope Masanori-sama and his family make it to the jungle." Lamented Sato-san again feeling angry watching the flags of the invading forces fluttering all over the town area.

"Don't worry Sato-san. He survived during the first Mongol Invasion, he will do again."

Higuchi replied as he surveyed the remaining Mongol ships, still anchoring alongside or near the pier.

"Five ships still remained. That means there must be their supply and escort ships with probably 500 crews and escort warriors."

He ordered two of the crates opened.

"Bring up all the reserved arrows and fix its rod with dynamite sticks. Have its fuse cut to the length of 2.5 inches only. Each archer must works in pair - one shooter and the other to light its fuse."


The sun was setting on the horizon, slowly casting dark shadows onto the inlet bay where the ship was berthing.

Yet the intermittent fire from the burnt houses from time to time busted into inferino whenever blown by the evening breeze till there was nothing left except for charred posts and heap of ashes.

Stealthly, a group of five men dressed as ninja made their way onland towards the battered town.

These men moved silently among the trees, shrubs and big boulders, noting and observing everything that was going on and around the little town and its surrounding.

Most of the building were still intact but some were not. In fact a few were burnt to the ground.

Score of Mongol warriors occupied the Shogun Office buildings, others were guarding the pier and stores.

Even the town castle was seen smoking from the top of the hill.

One of the ninja reported to Higuchi, "Masanori-sama and his family has fled to the mountain but several merchants and lesser lords are under house arrest. All others are either killed or taken prisoners and keep inside the Shogun County Building. It has become a temporary detention camp now. "

"At least, Masanori-sama and his family is safe for now." Replied Higuchi folding a piece of white paper before handing it to Sato-san. "Go to the  Heian Creek and find him there. Give him this letter and ask him to surround the town area before the last watch nite tonight. The details is in the letter!"

Sato-san bowed his head and left with another ninja.

Higuchi watched his ninja disappeared into the forest before turning to the rest, "Let go back to the ship. Wè have seen enough here."

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